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Workplace Violence Risk Assessment

Workplace Violence Risk Assessment

Purpose of the Assessment:

This Workplace Violence Risk Assessment is prepared by [Your Company Name] to identify and evaluate potential risks of violence within the workplace. The purpose is to implement preventive measures, ensuring a safe and secure working environment for all employees and stakeholders.

Scope of the Assessment:

The scope of this assessment encompasses all potential sources of violence within [Your Company Name], including employee interactions, customer or client interactions, and environmental risk factors. It aims to identify situations or factors that may increase the risk of violence and propose effective strategies to mitigate these risks.

Rationale for the Assessment:

Conducting this assessment aligns with [Your Company Name]'s commitment to employee safety and well-being. It is essential for fostering a positive work environment, maintaining employee morale, and complying with legal obligations regarding workplace safety.


The methodology involves an analysis of past incidents, evaluation of current workplace culture and practices, employee surveys, and consultation with workplace safety experts. Risk factors at various levels (individual, job, and organizational) are examined to create a comprehensive risk profile.

Workplace Violence Overview:



Types of Violence

Categories of workplace violence (e.g., physical, verbal, psychological).

Potential Risk Factors

Factors contributing to violence risk (e.g., stress, communication issues).

Current Safety Measures

Existing policies and practices to prevent workplace violence.

Compliance with Regulations

Assessment of adherence to legal requirements for workplace safety.

Workplace Violence Risk Assessment:

Risk Area

Potential Risk

Mitigation Strategies

Employee Interactions

Risk of conflicts or altercations among staff.

Conflict resolution training and communication workshops.

Client/Customer Interactions

Risk of aggressive behavior from external parties.

De-escalation training and security measures.

Work Environment

Risk factors in the physical environment.

Safety audits and environmental modifications.

Organizational Culture

Risk associated with stressful or toxic work culture.

Employee wellness programs and regular surveys.

Budget and Resources:



Estimated Budget

Amount [$000.00] allocated for violence prevention.

Resource Allocation

Resources for training, security enhancements, and employee support.

Contact Information:



Prepared By:

[Your Name]


[Your Email]


[Your Company Number]



Signature and Date

Approved By:

[Name and Title]

Approval Date:


This Workplace Violence Risk Assessment is an evolving document that should be regularly reviewed and updated. Continuous assessment and adaptation of strategies are crucial for effectively managing and reducing the risk of violence in the workplace.

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