Free Workplace Incident Information NDA Template


This Non-Disclosure Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into by and between [Your Company Name] ("Disclosing Party") and [Your Partner Company Name] ("Receiving Party") on this [22nd day of December 2050]. This Agreement is a crucial tool for maintaining confidentiality following an unexpected workplace incident. It is designed to protect sensitive information that may have legal, privacy, and reputational implications. The intent is to ensure that all parties understand their responsibilities regarding the safekeeping and use of this information.

I. Definition of Confidential Information

Confidential Information, as used in this Agreement, shall mean all data, reports, documents, communications, and other information, whether written or oral, that is related to the incident. This includes but is not limited to, the specifics of the incident, any investigations conducted, and their outcomes or resolutions. The scope of Confidential Information encompasses witness statements, photographs, video recordings, incident reports, and any form of evidence or documentation that sheds light on the incident, regardless of format. This information may be in electronic, written, or oral formats and includes digital files, paper documents, and recorded conversations.

II. Obligations of Receiving Party

A. The Receiving Party agrees to maintain the confidentiality of the information.

B. They shall not disclose any Confidential Information to third parties, which includes avoiding unauthorized discussions, leaks, or any form of dissemination beyond the agreed-upon purposes. The information shall be used solely for legal proceedings or internal investigations and must not be exploited for unrelated purposes or personal gain.

C. The Receiving Party is also required to take reasonable steps to secure and protect the information from unauthorized access or use.

III. Exclusions from Confidential Information

Confidential Information does not include information that is or becomes publicly known through no fault of the Receiving Party, information already known to the Receiving Party before disclosure by the Disclosing Party, and information independently developed by the Receiving Party without using the Confidential Information. The burden of proof rests with the Receiving Party to demonstrate that any of the above exclusions apply in case of a dispute.

IV. Term

The obligations and responsibilities outlined in this Agreement shall remain in effect for five (5) years following the date of disclosure. This period is intended to ensure that the Confidential Information is protected for a sufficient duration to address any legal or operational concerns that may arise from the incident.

V. Return of Confidential Information

Upon the termination of this Agreement or a written request from the Disclosing Party, the Receiving Party shall promptly return or destroy all copies of the Confidential Information. This includes deleting all digital copies and securely disposing of any physical documents, ensuring that no trace of the information remains in the Receiving Party's possession or control.

VI. No License

Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as granting any license or right, by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, under any patent, trademark, copyright, or other intellectual property right of the Disclosing Party. This clause is intended to clarify that the sharing of information under this Agreement does not transfer any rights or ownership in the material shared.

VII. Severability

If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect the remaining provisions, which will continue to be in full force and effect. This ensures the integrity of the Agreement as a whole, even if a part of it is deemed legally unsound.

VIII. Governing Law

This Agreement shall be governed by and construed by the laws of Michigan. This choice of law provision is designed to provide a clear legal framework and jurisdiction for addressing any disputes that may arise from this Agreement.

IX. Signature

The Agreement must be signed by authorized representatives of both the Disclosing Party and the Receiving Party. The signatures certify that both parties agree to the terms and conditions laid out in this document.

Disclosing Party:

[Your Name]

[Job Title]

[Your Company Name]

[Month Day, Year]

Receiving Party:


[Job Title]

[Your Partner Company Name]

[Month Day, Year]

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