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Visitor Safety Compliance Checklist


Prepared By: [Your Name]

Date: [Month Day, Year]

Instructions for Implementation:

  • Consistency: Ensure all visitors go through the checklist upon arrival.

  • Documentation: Keep records of all visitors and their compliance with the safety protocols.

  • Regular Review: Update and review the checklist periodically to reflect any changes in safety policies or regulations.

  • Training: Train reception and security staff on the checklist and emergency procedures.

Checklist Overview

Section A: Visitor Pre-Arrival

A1. Visitor Pre-Registration

  • All visitors pre-registered through [Your Company Website] or via [Your Email]

  • Visitor information verified and recorded

A2. Safety Briefing

  • Pre-visit safety briefing emailed to visitor ([Month Day Year]: Sent)

Section B: On Arrival

B1. Check-In Procedures

  • Visitor check-in at reception

  • Issue visitor badge

B2. Safety Briefing and Acknowledgment

  • On-site safety briefing conducted

  • Visitor signs safety acknowledgment form

Section C: Site Safety

C1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • PPE provided to visitors (if applicable)

  • Instruction on PPE usage given

C2. Emergency Procedures

  • Emergency exits and procedures communicated

  • The location of first aid kits explained

Section D: Monitoring and Assistance

D1. Visitor Escort

  • Visitors escorted by trained personnel

  • Visitors remain in designated safe areas

D2. Assistance and Queries

  • Assistance is offered for any safety-related queries

  • Contact numbers provided for immediate assistance ([Your Company Phone Number])

Section E: Departure

E1. Check-Out Procedures

  • Visitor check-out at reception

  • Collection of visitor badge

E2. Feedback on Safety Experience

  • Feedback form provided for safety experience

  • Feedback reviewed for continuous improvement


For additional information, guidance, or assistance, please contact [Your Company Email], visit [Your Company Website], or call [Your Company Phone Number].

Health & Safety Templates