Free Visitor Safety Compliance Checklist Template
Prepared By: [Your Name] |
Date: [Month Day, Year] |
Instructions for Implementation:
Consistency: Ensure all visitors go through the checklist upon arrival.
Documentation: Keep records of all visitors and their compliance with the safety protocols.
Regular Review: Update and review the checklist periodically to reflect any changes in safety policies or regulations.
Training: Train reception and security staff on the checklist and emergency procedures.
Checklist Overview
Section A: Visitor Pre-Arrival
A1. Visitor Pre-Registration
All visitors pre-registered through [Your Company Website] or via [Your Email]
Visitor information verified and recorded
A2. Safety Briefing
Pre-visit safety briefing emailed to visitor ([Month Day Year]: Sent)
Section B: On Arrival
B1. Check-In Procedures
Visitor check-in at reception
Issue visitor badge
B2. Safety Briefing and Acknowledgment
On-site safety briefing conducted
Visitor signs safety acknowledgment form
Section C: Site Safety
C1. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
PPE provided to visitors (if applicable)
Instruction on PPE usage given
C2. Emergency Procedures
Emergency exits and procedures communicated
The location of first aid kits explained
Section D: Monitoring and Assistance
D1. Visitor Escort
Visitors escorted by trained personnel
Visitors remain in designated safe areas
D2. Assistance and Queries
Assistance is offered for any safety-related queries
Contact numbers provided for immediate assistance ([Your Company Phone Number])
Section E: Departure
E1. Check-Out Procedures
Visitor check-out at reception
Collection of visitor badge
E2. Feedback on Safety Experience
Feedback form provided for safety experience
Feedback reviewed for continuous improvement
For additional information, guidance, or assistance, please contact [Your Company Email], visit [Your Company Website], or call [Your Company Phone Number].