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Laboratory Safety Inspection Checklist


Inspector Name: [Your Name]

Date of Inspection: [Month Day, Year]

Laboratory Name: [Your Company Name]

Inspector Contact: [555 - 12345]

Please conduct thorough inspections, address issues promptly, and maintain a secure laboratory environment. Check the corresponding box when a task is completed.

Emergency Information

Biohazard Materials

  • Emergency contact numbers

prominently displayed.

  • Emergency evacuation routes clearly marked.

  • Fire extinguishers are up to date.

  • Proper containment and labeling

  • of hazardous materials.

    Compliance with biosafety


Safety Equipment

Radiation Safety

  • Adequate supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) available.

  • PPE use is enforced.

  • Eyewash stations and safety showers are accessible and functional.

  • Compliance with radiation safety

  • guidelines.

    Radiation monitoring and

    exposure records maintained.

Chemical Storage

  • Proper labeling of all chemicals.

  • Chemicals stored according to compatibility and safety guidelines.

Electrical Equipment

  • Inspection and testing of electrical equipment.

  • Safe use of electrical outlets and

power strips.

Equipment Safety

  • Regular maintenance and inspection of laboratory equipment.

  • Equipment manuals and safety guidelines available.

First Aid

  • First aid kits available and stocked.

  • Personnel trained in basic first aid.

Chemical Usage

  • Appropriate handling and disposal of chemicals.

  • Proper use of fume hoods for hazardous substances.

Incident Reporting

  • Procedures in place for reporting accidents and incidents.

  • Incident reports filed and reviewed.

Waste Management

  • Proper disposal of chemical waste in designated containers.

  • Hazardous waste disposal procedures followed.

Safety Training

  • Records of safety training for all laboratory personnel.

  • Regular safety drills and exercises conducted.

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