Physical Medical Brief

Physical Medical Brief

Prepared by [YOUR NAME]

The medical brief provides a comprehensive summary of the patient's key health information necessary for consultations with health specialists. This brief comprises sections including personal details, medical history, current medication and allergies, recent tests and physical examination, and also diagnosis and treatment plans. This overview of a patient's medical state is intended to expedite treatment plans by providing essential information upfront.

Personal Details


Detail Information







Medical History

A detailed chronicle of the patient's previous health issues, ongoing ailments, surgical treatments, etc. will be placed in this section.

Medical History

  1. Previous Illnesses

  • Chronic asthma was diagnosed at age 8 and managed with daily inhalers.

  • History of recurring urinary tract infections (UTIs) since adolescence, treated with multiple courses of antibiotics.

  1. Surgical History

  • Appendectomy at age 20 due to acute appendicitis.

  • Gallbladder removal surgery (cholecystectomy) at age 35 due to recurrent gallstones.

  1. Family History

  • Maternal grandmother had breast cancer diagnosed at age 60.

  • Paternal grandfather had a history of heart disease and suffered a heart attack at age 55.

Current Medication and Allergies

This section is to record the current medication the patient is on and any known allergies that may interfere with future treatments.

Current Medication:

  • Lisinopril 10mg once daily for hypertension

  • Metformin 500mg twice daily for type 2 diabetes

  • Atorvastatin 20mg once daily for hyperlipidemia


  • Penicillin: Causes severe rash and swelling

  • Sulfa drugs: Results in hives and difficulty breathing

Recent Tests and Physical Examinations

We summarize the recent medical examinations and tests undergone by the patient with the respective results and dates.




[Medical Test]

Within normal ranges, except for slightly elevated cholesterol levels.

February 25, 2050

[Medical Test]

Normal sinus rhythm, no signs of arrhythmia.

March 2, 2050

Diagnosis and Treatment Plan

This section is to record any initial diagnosis made by the general physician or specialists and the subsequent treatment plan advised.


  • The patient presents with symptoms consistent with acute bronchitis, including persistent cough, chest discomfort, and low-grade fever. Chest X-ray indicates bronchial inflammation.

  • Treatment plan: Prescribe a course of [description of medicine] to address bacterial infection. Recommend over-the-counter cough suppressants and analgesics for symptomatic relief. Advise patient to increase fluid intake and rest. Follow-up appointment in 10 days for reassessment.

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