2 Day Olympic National Park Itinerary

2 Day Olympic National Park Itinerary

Embark on a captivating Pacific Northwest journey with [YOUR NAME] from [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. Explore the enchanting Hoh Rainforest and coastal beauty at Ruby Beach. Witness breathtaking vistas at Hurricane Ridge and experience serenity in the charming Sol Duc Valley. A curated adventure awaits with diverse landscapes and natural wonders.

Day 1: The Magic of Hoh Rainforest and Ruby Beach

Morning - Hoh Rainforest Hiking and Exploration

8:00 AM - Meet at the Hoh Rainforest Visitor Center. Begin the day with a 3-hour guided hike along the Hall of Mosses trail. Marvel at towering moss-draped trees and immerse yourself in the enchanting ambiance of this ancient rainforest. Your guide will share fascinating insights into the ecosystem, highlighting the diverse flora and fauna that call this place home.

Afternoon - Breathtaking Ruby Beach

12:30 PM - Enjoy a delicious packed lunch amidst the rainforest, surrounded by the sounds of nature. At 2:00 PM, depart for Ruby Beach, a coastal gem known for its stunning views. Spend the afternoon exploring the shoreline, capturing the beauty of sea stacks, tide pools, and the Pacific Ocean. Your guide will provide interesting facts about the coastal ecology and geological features.

Evening - Sunset Delight

6:30 PM - Return to Ruby Beach for a picturesque sunset experience. Witness the vibrant colors of the Pacific Northwest sky as the sun sets over the horizon. Relax, reflect on the day's adventures, and enjoy the tranquil atmosphere created by the crashing waves and coastal breeze.

Day 2: Discovering Hurricane Ridge and Sol Duc Valley

Morning - Hurricane Ridge

6:00 AM - Rise early and depart for Hurricane Ridge to catch the sunrise over the Olympic Mountains. Marvel at panoramic views as the sun paints the peaks with warm hues. Engage in various activities, from easy strolls to more challenging hikes, and keep an eye out for wildlife like marmots and mountain goats. Your guide will tailor the experience to your preferences and provide informative commentary on the region's geology and history.

Afternoon - Sol Duc Valley and Hot Springs Relaxation

12:30 PM - Enjoy a picnic lunch in the tranquil surroundings of the Sol Duc Valley. Explore the valley's wonders, discovering hidden waterfalls and enjoying the serenity of the pristine river. At 4:00 PM, journey to Sol Duc Hot Springs for a well-deserved relaxation session. Soak in the natural hot springs amidst the lush forest, rejuvenating your body and mind.

Evening - Campfire Tales

7:00 PM - Gather for a campfire near Sol Duc Hot Springs. Share stories of the day's adventures, learn about the cultural and natural history of the region, and enjoy the camaraderie of fellow adventurers. For an extra touch, participate in an optional guided stargazing session, uncovering the mysteries of the night sky.


  • Dress in layers and wear comfortable, sturdy shoes for hiking.

  • Bring a water bottle, snacks, and sunscreen for outdoor activities.

  • Charge your camera and/or smartphone to capture memorable moments.

  • Pack a daypack with essentials and any personal items you may need.

  • Check weather forecasts and be prepared for varying conditions.

This detailed itinerary promises an enriching experience, blending diverse ecosystems and majestic landscapes. Get ready for an unforgettable journey through the heart of the Pacific Northwest.



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