Free Sponsorship Agreement Fax Sheet Template



Free Sponsorship Agreement Fax Sheet Template

Sponsorship Agreement Fax Sheet


To: [Recipient's Name]

From: [Your Name]

Company: [Your Company Name]

Email: [Your Company Email]
Contact: [Your Company Number]

Date: [Date]

Re: Clarification on Branding, Marketing, and Publicity Responsibility
Fax no: [Fax Number]


Dear [Recipient's Name],

This correspondence aims to clarify the roles and responsibilities of both parties involved in the sponsorship deal, particularly relating to matters of branding, marketing, and publicizing the sponsorship.

We are fully conscious of the need for clear communication and shared expectations to drive the success of this sponsorship collaboration. We assure you that our approach is integrated and is dedicated to enhancing and embodying the brand's unique identity.

Should any confusion or query arise regarding the terms, conditions, or procedures involved, kindly get in touch with us. We're open for clearer discussions at your convenience.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best Regards,

[Your Name]
[Your Company Name]

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