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Whimsical To Do List

Whimsical To Do List

Embrace the charm of this to-do list designed to add a touch of whimsy to your routine. This list is your guide to keeping your study and work tasks engaging, balanced with self-care and creative breaks.

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

Study Tasks:

Tasks and Notes

  • Read two chapters of the assigned book.

  • Summarize key points from the lecture.

  • Complete practice problems for better understanding.


Tasks and Notes

  • Take a 10-minute break to stretch and relax.

  • Hydrate – drink a glass of water to stay refreshed.

  • Practice deep breathing exercises for stress relief.

Creative Breaks:

Tasks and Notes

  • Doodle or sketch for a quick creative outlet.

  • Listen to an inspiring podcast during breaks.

  • Watch a short, motivational video for a burst of energy.


  • Fun is vital in this journey. Never forget to bring fun into your tasks!

  • Balance is key. Always balance your work, study, and time for yourself.

  • Stay present and mindful as you tackle every task.

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