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Sales Questionnaire on Commission Payout Preferences


I. Introduction

This questionnaire is designed to understand the preferences of our sales team regarding the structure and timing of commission payouts. Your feedback is valuable and will help us tailor our commission system to better suit the team's needs.

II. Instructions

Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability. Your individual responses will remain confidential.

III. Questions

  1. Preferred Frequency of Commission Payouts:

  • Monthly

  • Quarterly

  • Bi-annually

  • Annually

  • Other:                               

  1. Desired Method of Commission Payout:

  • Direct deposit to a bank account

  • Check mailed to address

  • Payroll

  • Digital Wallet (e.g., PayPal, Venmo)

  • Other:                               

  1. Interest in Advanced Commission Options:

  • Very Interested

  • Somewhat Interested

  • Neutral

  • Not Interested

  1. Preference for Commission Structure:

  • Fixed percentage based on sales volume

  • Graduated scale based on performance milestones

  • Hybrid (combination of both)

  • Other:                               

  1. Importance of Commission Caps:

  • Prefer no cap

  • Indifferent to caps

  • Prefer a cap for predictable maximum earnings

  1. Incentives for Team Sales vs. Individual Sales:

  • Prefer individual incentives

  • Prefer team incentives

  • Like a balance of both

  1. Comments on the Current Commission Payout Process:


IV. Submission:

Please submit your completed questionnaire by [Due Date] to the following address: [Your Company Email] or through the internal submission portal on [Your Company Website].

V. Acknowledgment:

By submitting this questionnaire, I, [Your Name], provide my honest preferences and feedback on the commission payout structure for [Your Company Name].

[Respondent's Name]


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