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Sales Questionnaire on Commission Disbursement Preferences

Sales Questionnaire on Commission Disbursement Preferences

Please take a few minutes to complete this questionnaire to help us understand your preferences regarding commission disbursement. Check the appropriate checkboxes and provide detailed responses as needed.

Personal Information

Full Name:

[Employee’s Name]

Employee ID:


Disbursement Preferences

  1. How do you prefer to receive your commission payments? (Please check all that apply)

  •  Direct Deposit to Bank Account

  •  Physical Check

  •  Wire Transfer

  •  Other (please specify):

  1. What is your preferred frequency for receiving commission payments?

  •  Monthly

  •  Quarterly

  •  Annually

  •  Other (please specify): 

  1. Are you open to the option of receiving part of your commission in non-monetary incentives or perks? (e.g., gift cards, travel vouchers, additional PTO, etc.)

  •  Yes

  •  No

  •  Maybe

  1. Do you have any specific preferences or suggestions regarding the timing or structure of commission disbursement? Please share your thoughts.

As a sales representative, I appreciate a monthly commission disbursement at the end of each month, aligning with the completion of sales cycles.

  1. How would you like to be informed about your commission payouts and related performance metrics?

  • Email

  • Online Dashboard/Portal

  • In-person meeting

  • Other (please specify):

  1. Are there any additional comments or concerns you would like to share regarding commission disbursement that can help us tailor the process to your needs and preferences?

  1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how satisfied are you with our current commission disbursement process?

  • 1 - Highly Dissatisfied

  • 2 - Dissatisfied

  • 3 - Neutral

  • 4 - Satisfied

  • 5 - Highly Satisfied

  1. Please provide any specific feedback or suggestions for improving our commission disbursement process:

Your responses are important to us and will be kept confidential. If you have any concerns or issues related to commission disbursement, please feel free to reach out to [Your Company Email] or call [Your Company Number].

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