Iguazu Falls Itinerary

Iguazu Falls Itinerary

Hello, I'm [YOUR NAME], an avid explorer and experienced guide from [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. Embark on a thrilling two-day adventure to explore the mesmerizing Iguazu Falls. Witness the beauty from both the Argentine and Brazilian sides, experiencing well-marked trails, panoramic views, and exhilarating boat tours. Get ready for an unforgettable journey.

Day 1: The Argentine Adventure

Morning: Green Trail and Upper Circuit

  • 8:00 AM: Meet at the main entrance in Puerto Iguazu

  • 8:15 AM: Start the Green Trail, exploring the lush rainforest

  • 10:00 AM: Reach the Upper Circuit for panoramic views and photo opportunities

Midday: Local Cuisine Experience

  • Noon: Enjoy a delicious lunch featuring local Argentine cuisine

Afternoon: Devil's Throat

  • 1:30 PM: Board the train to Devil's Throat

  • 2:00 PM: Explore the awe-inspiring Devil's Throat

  • 4:00 PM: Optional free time for personal exploration or relaxation

Evening: Cultural Evening

  • 7:00 PM: Dinner at a local restaurant, embracing the Argentine culture

Day 2: Brazilian Brilliance

Morning: Panoramic Walk

  • 8:30 AM: Cross the border into Brazil

  • 9:00 AM: Begin the panoramic walk, taking in stunning vistas

  • 11:00 AM: Guided commentary on the flora and fauna of the Brazilian side

Midday: Brazilian Buffet Lunch

  • 12:30 PM: Savor a traditional Brazilian buffet lunch

Afternoon: Boat Tour

  • 1:30 PM: Get ready for an exhilarating boat tour

  • 3:00 PM: Experience the power and grandeur of Iguazu Falls up close

  • 4:30 PM: Optional nature walk for birdwatching and wildlife spotting

Evening: Farewell Sunset

  • 6:00 PM: Return to the main entrance for a farewell sunset overlooking the falls

  • 7:30 PM: Optional group dinner or free time for personal exploration

Do's and Don'ts



  1. Respect the natural environment: Stay on designated trails to preserve the delicate ecosystem.

  2. Bring comfortable clothing and sturdy shoes: Be prepared for walking and exploration.

  3. Stay hydrated: Carry a water bottle to stay refreshed during your adventure.

  4. Capture the memories: Don't forget your camera to capture the stunning landscapes.

  1. Littering: Help keep the parks pristine by disposing of trash responsibly.

  2. Disturbing wildlife: Observe animals from a safe distance and avoid feeding them.

  3. Ignoring safety guidelines: Follow all safety instructions, especially during boat tours.

  4. Rushing: Take your time to appreciate the natural beauty; it's not a race.

Contact Details:

For any inquiries or to customize your Iguazu Falls adventure, feel free to reach out to me at [YOUR EMAIL]. I'm here to assist you with any questions and ensure your journey is tailored to create lasting memories. For more details and convenient bookings, visit [YOUR COMPANY WEBSITE]. Let the exploration begin.

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