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Sales Questionnaire for Improving Commission Systems

Sales Questionnaire for
Improving Commission Systems

Please provide honest and constructive responses to the following questions.

  1. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with our current commission system?

  • Very Dissatisfied

  • Dissatisfied

  • Neutral

  • Satisfied

  • Very Satisfied

  1. What aspects of the current commission system are most appealing or effective?

  1. Are there any aspects of the current commission system that you find challenging or frustrating?                                If yes, please specify.

  1. Which components of the commission structure are most motivating for you?

  • Base Salary

  • Bonuses

  • Tiered Commissions

  • Other:                               

  1. Are there additional commission components or structures that better align with your sales objectives?                                If yes, please describe.

  1. How well do you feel the Company communicates changes or updates to the commission structure?

  • Very Well

  • Well

  • Neutral

  • Poorly

  • Very Poorly

  1. Do you feel that the commission structure is transparent and easy to understand?                                If not, what aspects could be clarified?

  1. What changes or improvements would you propose to enhance the effectiveness of our commission system?

  1. Are there any specific goals or performance metrics that you believe should be incorporated into the commission structure?

  1. Please provide any additional comments, concerns, or suggestions related to the commission system that you believe are essential for our consideration:

Thank you for your valuable input. Your feedback will contribute to our efforts in refining our commission systems and ensuring they align with your needs and objectives.

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