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Sales SLA for Commission Dispute Resolutions

Sales SLA for Commission Dispute Resolutions

This Service Level Agreement (the "Agreement") is entered into on [Month Day, Year] (the "Effective Date") by and between [Your Company Name], henceforth known as "The Company," and the Sales Representatives, henceforth collectively referred to as the "Sales Representatives." The purpose of this SLA is to ensure transparency, accountability, and efficiency in addressing commission-related issues.

1. Scope

This SLA covers resolving commission disputes for all sales representatives and relevant personnel within [Your Company Name].

2. Definitions

Commission Dispute: Any disagreement or concern related to the calculation, allocation, or payment of sales commissions or incentives.

Resolution Time: The time frame within which a commission dispute is expected to be resolved.

3. Goals and Objectives

The primary goal of this SLA is to ensure that commission disputes are resolved in a fair and timely manner, providing clarity and satisfaction to all parties involved. The key objectives include:

  • Promptly addressing and resolving commission disputes.

  • Maintaining a transparent and consistent process for resolving disputes.

  • Ensuring accurate commission payments to sales representatives.

4. Commission Dispute Resolution Process

4.1. Reporting a Dispute

  • Sales representatives and relevant personnel should report commission disputes to the Sales Operations Department through an officially designated channel (e.g., email, internal portal).

  • Disputes must include all necessary documentation, details, and evidence to support the claim.

4.2. Initial Review (Within 2 Business Days)

  • Upon receiving a dispute, the Sales Operations Department will conduct an initial review to determine the nature and validity of the dispute.

  • The department will acknowledge receipt of the dispute and request additional information or documentation if required.

4.3. Investigation and Resolution (Within 15 Business Days)

  • Once the dispute is accepted for investigation, the Sales Operations Department will begin a thorough examination of the issue, including reviewing sales records, contracts, and other relevant documents.

  • The department will communicate with the concerned parties to gather additional information and clarify discrepancies.

  • A resolution will be reached within 15 business days, and a final decision will be communicated to the disputing parties.

4.4. Appeal (If Necessary)

  • If a disputing party is not satisfied with the resolution, they may appeal the decision within [5] business days of receiving the resolution outcome.

  • A designated appeals committee will review the appeal, and a final decision will be provided within [10] business days.

5. Remedies and Penalties

The standard resolution time for commission disputes is as follows:

  • Initial review: Within [2] business days of receiving the dispute.

  • Investigation and resolution: Within [15] business days of initiating the investigation.

  • Appeal (if necessary): Within [10] business days of receiving the appeal.

6. Communication

The Sales Operations Department will maintain open and transparent communication with the disputing parties throughout the resolution process, providing regular updates on the status of the dispute.

7. Performance Monitoring

The Sales Operations Department will regularly monitor the performance of the commission dispute resolution process and take necessary actions to improve efficiency and accuracy.

8. Review and Modification

This SLA will be subject to periodic review and may be modified to improve the commission dispute resolution process.


By signing below, the Sales Representatives and the Company acknowledge their agreement to the terms and conditions contained within this Service Level Agreement for Commission Dispute Resolutions.

[Your Name]

[Your Job Title]

[Your Company Name]

Date: [Month Day, Year]

[Name of Sales Representative]

[Job Title]

[Your Company Name]

Date: [Month Day, Year]

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