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Basic Questionnaire

Basic Questionnaire

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]
Date: [DATE]

This questionnaire is designed to gather your opinions and experiences with public transportation. Your feedback is crucial for us to understand the areas where improvement is needed. Please answer each question honestly and to the best of your ability. Your responses will remain anonymous and will only be used for research purposes. Thank you for your time and contributions.

Instructions: Review each question and select the response that best represents your experience or opinion. Provide additional details where necessary.

I. General Information

1. Where do you currently live? (city, state, etc.)


2. How often do you use public transportation?

  • Daily

  • Weekly

  • Monthly

  • Rarely

  1. What is your primary mode of transportation for commuting or traveling within your city?

  • Public transportation (bus, train, subway, etc.)

  • Personal vehicle (car, motorcycle, bicycle, etc.)

  • Walking

  • Cycling

  • Other (please specify):                               

  1. On average, how far do you travel using public transportation in a typical week?

  • Within my neighborhood or local area

  • Within the city or metropolitan area

  • To neighboring cities or regions

  • Long-distance travel (intercity or interstate)

  1. For what purposes do you primarily use public transportation? (Select all that apply)

  • Commuting to work or school

  • Running errands (grocery shopping, banking, etc.)

  • Social activities (meeting friends, dining out, entertainment)

  • Recreational activities (parks, museums, events)

  • Other (please specify):                               

  1. How would you rate the accessibility of public transportation services in your area for individuals with mobility challenges or disabilities?

  • Excellent

  • Good

  • Fair

  • Poor

  • Very Poor

  1. Public Transportation Affordability:

Do you find public transportation in your area to be affordable for your budget?

  • Yes, very affordable

  • Yes, somewhat affordable

  • No, somewhat unaffordable

  • No, very unaffordable

II. Commute Experience

8. What type of public transportation do you most often use?

  • Bus

  • Train

  • Subway

  • Other (please specify)                               

9. How do you rate your overall satisfaction with the public transportation services you frequently use? (on a scale of 1-5 with 1 being least satisfied and 5 being most satisfied)

  • 1 - Very Dissatisfied

  • 2 - Satisfied

  • 3 - Neutral

  • 4 - Satisfied

  • 5 - Very Satisfied

  1. How many days per week do you typically use public transportation for commuting or traveling?

  • 1-2 days

  • 3-4 days

  • 5-6 days

  • Every day

  • Occasionally

  1. What is the average distance of your commute using public transportation? (in miles/kilometers)


III. Facilities and Services

  1. How would you rate the following aspects of public transportation?
    Please rate on a scale of 1-4, where 1 represents 'very dissatisfied' and 4 represents 'very satisfied'.









Rout accessibility

  1. Do you feel safe while using public transportation?

  • Yes

  • No

  • If no, please specify why:                               

IV. Suggestions

  1. Improvement Suggestions:

  • What specific improvements or changes would you suggest for the public transportation system in your area to enhance your commuting experience? Please provide detailed suggestions:


  1. Additional Comments:

  • Is there any other feedback or comments you would like to share regarding public transportation in your area?


Your participation in this survey is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your valuable time and feedback. Your responses will contribute to significant improvements in public transportation services.

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