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Sales Agreement on Bonus Commissions


THIS AGREEMENT is entered into as of May 1st, 2050, by and between [Your Company Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of the State of Pennsylvania, with its principal place of business located at [Your Company Address] ("Company"), and [Your Name], an individual with a place of residence at [Your Address] ("Sales Representative").

WHEREAS, the Company desires to secure the services of the Sales Representative to promote and sell its products and services; and

WHEREAS, the Company aims to provide additional remuneration in the form of bonus commissions to the Sales Representative as a reward for exceeding sales targets, thereby aligning the interests of the Sales Representative with the growth objectives of the Company;

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements contained herein, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:

I. Definitions

A. "Base Commission" shall mean the commission rate predetermined by the Company, applicable to the total net sales revenue generated by the Sales Representative. This commission serves as the foundation of the Sales Representative's earnings from sales activities.

B. "Bonus Commission" shall mean any additional monetary incentive payable to the Sales Representative for sales that significantly exceed the Target Sales Threshold, recognizing and rewarding superior sales performance.

C. "Target Sales Threshold" shall mean the minimum amount of sales revenue that the Sales Representative is required to achieve within a Sales Period to qualify for the Bonus Commission. It acts as a benchmark for measuring sales success.

D. "Sales Period" shall mean the fixed duration, typically on a quarterly basis, during which the sales performance of the Sales Representative is tracked and assessed for the purpose of commission calculation.

E. "Eligible Products" shall mean the specific products and services that are considered when calculating the Sales Representative's net sales. These products are outlined in the Company's product catalog or any amendment thereto.

II. Appointment and Duties

A. The Company hereby appoints the Sales Representative as its non-exclusive sales agent to promote and sell the Eligible Products within a designated sales territory or to a specified customer base, per the Company's strategic sales plan.

B. The Sales Representative shall utilize their expertise and professional network to maximize sales opportunities, and shall consistently report sales activities and progress to the Company, maintaining transparency and alignment with the Company's sales strategies.

III. Target Sales Threshold

A. The Target Sales Threshold for the Sales Representative is hereby set at $500,000 in net sales per Sales Period, a figure derived from historical sales data and market analysis.

B. Each Sales Period for which the Target Sales Threshold applies shall commence on the first day and end on the last day of each fiscal quarter, providing a consistent timeframe for sales performance evaluation.

IV. Base Commission

A. The Base Commission is structured to provide the Sales Representative with a predictable and stable income flow from sales activities, ensuring basic compensation is aligned with industry standards.

B. Net sales, the basis for the Base Commission, shall be meticulously recorded and reported by the Company's accounting department, ensuring accuracy and transparency in commission calculations.

V. Bonus Commission Structure

A. The Sales Representative shall have the potential to substantially increase their earnings through the Bonus Commission, providing a clear financial incentive to surpass the established sales targets.

Net Sales Above Threshold

Bonus Commission Rate

$0 - $100,000


$100,001 - $200,000


$200,001 - $300,000


Above $300,000


B. Bonus Commissions are designed to not only encourage the Sales Representative to reach higher sales goals but also to sustain their performance at peak levels throughout the duration of the Sales Period.

VI. Payment of Commissions

A. Payment of Base Commissions will be executed with regularity, providing the Sales Representative with a dependable source of income, reflective of their sales achievements.

B. The timely payment of Bonus Commissions, following the close of a Sales Period, serves as a tangible reward for exceptional sales efforts and accomplishments.

VII. Confidentiality

A. The Sales Representative agrees to safeguard the confidentiality of the Company's proprietary information, utilizing it solely for the purpose of fulfilling their obligations under this Agreement and not for any external or unrelated business pursuits.

B. The confidentiality obligation imposes a duty on the Sales Representative to refrain from any unauthorized use or disclosure of the Company's confidential information, both during the term of the Agreement and for a substantial period thereafter, ensuring the protection of the Company's competitive advantage.

VIII. Term and Termination

A. The term of this Agreement is intended to extend for a reasonable duration, sufficient to allow the Sales Representative to establish a productive sales routine and for the Company to benefit from the sales efforts.

B. Termination provisions are included to afford both the Company and the Sales Representative the flexibility to disengage from the Agreement should circumstances change, with sufficient notice to allow for an orderly transition of responsibilities.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Sales Agreement on Bonus Commissions to be executed by their duly authorized representatives as of the Effective Date first above written.

[Your Company Name]

[Your Name]

Sales Director

[Month Day, Year]

Sales Representative

[Your Partner Company Name / Second Party]

[Month Day, Year]

Sales Templates @