Free Employee Wellness Survey Form Template
Employee Wellness Survey Form
This survey aims to understand the wellness needs and preferences of our employees to develop and improve our wellness programs. Please answer the following questions honestly and to the best of your ability. Your responses will remain confidential.
Section 1: General Information
1. Department
Sales and Marketing
IT and Technical Services
Human Resources
Other: ________________
2. Years of Service
Less than 1 year
1-3 years
4-6 years
7-10 years
More than 10 years
Section 2: Wellness Interests and Preferences
1. What aspects of wellness are most important to you? (Select up to 3)
Physical Fitness
Mental Health
Nutrition and Diet
Work-Life Balance
Stress Management
Financial Wellness
Other: ________________
2. How do you prefer to engage in wellness activities?
Group activities
Individual activities
Online programs
In-person sessions
A combination of the above
Section 3: Current Wellness Program Feedback
Have you participated in any of the company’s wellness programs?
If yes, how satisfied are you with the current wellness programs? (1 = Not Satisfied, 5 = Very Satisfied)
3. What improvements would you like to see in the future wellness programs?
More diverse physical activity options (e.g., yoga, pilates, etc.)
Increased frequency of mental health workshops
Enhanced nutritional information and healthier cafeteria options
Better work-life balance initiatives
More personalized wellness plans
Improved communication about wellness events and resources
Other: ________________________________________________________
Section 4: Additional Comments
Please provide any other comments or suggestions regarding the company’s wellness initiatives:
Please provide any other comments or suggestions regarding the company’s wellness initiatives: |
Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback is valuable and will help us shape a more effective and enjoyable wellness program for everyone at [Your Company Name].
Please return this completed form to the HR department by [MM-DD-YYYY].
For any questions or additional comments, please feel free to contact the Human Resources Department.
[Your Company Name] appreciates your input and commitment to a healthier, happier workplace!