Free Affidavit of Paternity Template



Free Affidavit of Paternity Template

Affidavit of Paternity


I, [YOUR NAME], residing at [YOUR ADDRESS], in my capacity as [YOUR POSITION], do hereby swear this affidavit to establish paternity and to facilitate the child's eligibility for benefits.

Statement of Facts

  1. I affirm that [PLAINTIFF'S NAME] is the biological father of [CHILD'S NAME] listed in this document, and as such, understands his responsibilities regarding the facilitation of the child's eligibility for benefits such as health insurance, social security, and inheritance rights.

  1. I further affirm that [PLAINTIFF'S NAME] is competent, being of sufficient legal age, of sound mind, and capable of understanding the implications of this document.

Sworn Oath

I hereby affirm that all facts stated herein are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief, and I am competent to testify to the same if called upon to do so in court.

Plaintiff and Defendant

Where this affidavit is being submitted in a court case, the corresponding details of [PLAINTIFF'S NAME] and [DEFENDANT'S NAME] shall be accordingly included.


This affidavit is made in good faith, with the belief that it would provide substantial facilitation for the child's eligibility for relevant benefits in agreement with the law. I understand the legal consequences of making false statements herein. As such, I, [YOUR NAME], being the deponent, reiterate the above facts are true to the best of my knowledge.



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