Uganda Itinerary

Uganda Itinerary

Embark on an extraordinary 10-day journey through the heart of Africa with our Uganda Adventure. Delve into the enchanting landscapes of Bwindi, where gorilla trekking awaits, and immerse yourself in the excitement of safari adventures, adrenaline-pumping activities in Jinja, and serene escapes to Lake Victoria, Ssese Islands, and Lake Bunyonyi. Experience the beauty, diversity, and thrill that Uganda, the "Pearl of Africa," has to offer.

Day 1-3: Gorilla Trekking in Bwindi

Day 1:

  • Morning: Arrive in Entebbe.

  • Afternoon: Flight or drive to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.

  • Evening: Check-in at Bwindi Lodge, rest, and dinner at the lodge's restaurant.

Day 2:

  • Morning: Nature walk or community visit in Bwindi.

  • Afternoon: Leisure time.

  • Evening: Dinner at The Bistro and relaxation at Bwindi Lodge.

Day 3:

  • Early morning: Gorilla trekking briefing.

  • Morning to Afternoon: Gorilla trekking in Bwindi.

  • Evening: Leisure time and dinner at Cafe Javas.

Day 4-6: Safari Adventures in Murchison Falls and Queen Elizabeth National Parks

Day 4:

  • Morning: Flight to Murchison Falls National Park.

  • Afternoon: Safari to witness Murchison Falls and wildlife.

  • Evening: Dinner and stay at Paraa Safari Lodge.

Day 5:

  • Morning: Game drive in Murchison Falls National Park.

  • Afternoon: Flight to Queen Elizabeth National Park.

  • Evening: Game drive in Ishasha and dinner at Mweya Safari Lodge.

Day 6:

  • Morning: Explore Queen Elizabeth National Park.

  • Afternoon: Boat safaris on Kazinga Channel.

  • Evening: Dinner at Kyambura Gorge Lodge.

Day 7: Adrenaline Activities in Jinja

Day 7:

  • Morning: Travel to Jinja.

  • Late morning to Afternoon: White-water rafting on the Nile.

  • Afternoon: Bungee jumping, kayaking, and horse riding.

  • Evening: Sunset over the Nile, dinner at Source of the Smile Restaurant.

Day 8-9: A Serene Escape to Lake Victoria and Ssese Islands

Day 8:

Morning: Relaxation or optional activities.

Afternoon: Visit Lake Victoria and its islands.

Evening: Dinner at Lake Victoria Serena Golf Resort & Spa.

Day 9:

Morning to Afternoon: Explore Ssese Islands, beaches, and lush forests.

Evening: Dinner at Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort.

Day 10: Lake Bunyonyi

Day 10:

Morning: Visit Lake Bunyonyi, the "place of little birds."

Afternoon: Activities such as swimming, bird watching, or hiking.

Evening: Dinner and reflection at Birdnest Resort.


  1. Travel Insurance: Ensure you have comprehensive travel insurance for the entire trip.

  2. Health Precautions: Check and follow health guidelines, including vaccinations and malaria prophylaxis.

  3. Local Currency: Have sufficient local currency (Ugandan Shilling) for small purchases and tips.

  4. Documentation: Carry necessary documents - passport, permits, and itinerary printouts.

  5. Weather-Appropriate Clothing: Pack accordingly for varying climates, including rain gear.

  6. Contact Information: Keep emergency contacts and local assistance numbers handy.

  7. Photography Gear: Don't forget your camera for capturing unforgettable moments.

  8. Respect Local Customs: Embrace local cultures and traditions with respect.

  9. Stay Hydrated: Carry a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated during activities.

  10. Emergency Kit: Pack a basic medical kit with essentials like pain relievers and band-aids.

For inquiries and bookings, contact us at:

Email: [Your Company Email]

Website: [Your Company Website]

Phone: [Your Company Number]

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