East Java Itinerary

East Java Itinerary

Discover the best of East Java in this 4-day adventure itinerary. Experience breathtaking volcanoes, mesmerizing waterfalls, and vibrant cultural heritage. From Mount Bromo to Madakaripura Waterfall, immerse yourself in nature's wonders while indulging in traditional music, dance, and cuisine. Unforgettable experiences await in Surabaya and Malang.

Day 1

Start your adventure in the bustling city of Surabaya. Known for its colonial-era landmarks, you’ll get a good taste of the city’s charm and rich history. In the afternoon, partake in a traditional dance and music class to fully immerse yourself in East Java’s rich cultural heritage.



Surabaya's City Exploration

Dinner at Waroeng SS, known for its authentic Javanese cuisine

Day 2

An early start to the day will take you to one of the active volcanoes in Java, Mount Bromo. A sunrise tour of the volcano is a must-experience wherein you get to witness the sky transform from midnight blue to soft hues of pink and yellow, highlighting the surrounding landscapes.



Mystical Mount Bromo

For Lunch, savor some local delights at Warung Dawe, offering traditional Indonesian dishes with a view

Day 3

Defining the natural skyline of East Java, Mount Semeru stands as the highest mountain on Java island. A trek up to the viewpoint is a rewarding experience with panoramic views. Post lunch, head to Madakaripura Waterfalls, the biggest waterfall in East Java, and soak in the serene natural beauty.



Majestic Mount Semeru and Madakaripura Waterfall

Treat yourself to dinner at Warung Bu Kris, serving delicious Indonesian seafood dishes

Day 4

Explore the city of Malang with its quaint city landscapes and interesting mix of Dutch and Javanese cultures. After the cultural tour, prepare for a wonderful end to your journey with a visit to Tumpak Sewu waterfall, which is often considered the best waterfall in Indonesia.



The Charm of Malang and Tumpak Sewu Waterfall

Indulge in a memorable dinner at Padi Resto, offering a fusion of Indonesian and international cuisines amidst beautiful surroundings


  • Respect local customs and traditions.

  • Try authentic Javanese cuisine at local restaurants.

  • Take care of the environment and follow designated trails during outdoor activities.


  • Disrespect sacred sites or cultural practices.

  • Litter or leave behind any waste during your adventures.

  • Wander off marked trails or enter restricted areas without permission.

I hope this itinerary provides you with a glimpse of what East Java can offer. For any questions or further details, feel free to contact me. [YOUR EMAIL]

Happy Travels,


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