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Sales Minute of Trade Show Strategy Meeting

Sales Minute of Trade Show Strategy Meeting

Meeting Details:


[Month Day, Year]


Meeting Topic:



  1. [Your Name], [Job Title]

  2. [Name], [Job Title]

  3. [Name], [Job Title]

  4. [Name], [Job Title]

Opening of the Meeting

The meeting commenced at [10:00 AM] with [Your Name] welcoming all participants and emphasizing the importance of developing a comprehensive strategy for the upcoming trade shows to enhance [Your Company Name]'s market presence.

Review of Previous Trade Show Performances

The team reviewed performance metrics from past trade shows, identifying strengths in product demonstrations and areas for improvement in lead generation and follow-up processes. It was noted that enhancing engagement strategies could significantly impact future outcomes.

Objectives for Upcoming Trade Shows

For the forthcoming trade shows, [Your Company Name] has delineated clear, strategic objectives to guide our participation and measure our success. Below are the refined objectives for our upcoming trade show engagements:

  1. Increase Brand Visibility: Elevate [Your Company Name]'s profile among attendees and industry peers by showcasing our innovative products and solutions. Utilize dynamic displays, engaging product demonstrations, and compelling storytelling to differentiate our brand.

  2. Generate High-Quality Leads: Attract and capture leads that have a high potential for conversion, focusing on attendees who express a strong interest in our products and are decision-makers or influencers in their organizations.

  3. Enhance Product Knowledge Among Target Audience: Achieve an attendee product knowledge score of [80%] or higher in post-show surveys, indicating effective communication and demonstration of product value.

Budget Review

The finance department provided an overview of the budget allocated for trade show activities. Adjustments were made to ensure optimal allocation of resources across various activities.


Initial Budget

Adjusted Budget

Booth Design



The Finance Department underscored the importance of adhering to this revised budget, highlighting that careful monitoring and reporting will be critical to ensure financial discipline throughout the trade show planning and execution phases.

Next Steps and Responsibilities

To ensure the successful execution of our trade show strategy, specific action items have been allocated to respective team members. This structured approach guarantees that all tasks are addressed promptly and efficiently, with clear accountability for each component of the project.

  1. Finalizing the Booth Design:

    • Responsible Team Member(s): Design and Branding Team

    • Key Point: The Design and Branding Team is tasked with finalizing the booth layout and aesthetic elements, ensuring it aligns with our brand identity and trade show objectives.

  2. Executing the Pre-Show Marketing Plan:

    • Responsible Team Member(s): Marketing Department

    • Key Point: The Marketing Department will implement the comprehensive marketing strategy developed for pre-show promotions, focusing on digital campaigns, social media engagement, and partnership outreach.

  3. Logistical Arrangements for Travel and Accommodation:

    • Responsible Team Member(s): Logistics Coordinator

    • Key Point: The Logistics Coordinator is in charge of organizing all travel and accommodation logistics, ensuring arrangements are cost-effective and meet the needs of the team members attending the trade show.


The meeting concluded at [11:30 AM] with [Your Name] thanking everyone for their contributions and emphasizing the collective effort required to achieve success at the upcoming trade shows. The next meeting was scheduled for [Next Meeting Date], to review progress on action items.

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