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Workplace Ergonomics Improvement Notice

Workplace Ergonomics Improvement Notice


[Employee Name / Department Name]


[Your Name, Position, Workplace Safety Department]


[Month Day, Year]


Notice of Ergonomic Improvement Requirement

Dear [Employee Name / Department Name],

As part of our ongoing commitment to workplace health and safety, a recent ergonomic assessment conducted in your area has identified areas that require improvements to meet our ergonomic standards. Ensuring a safe and comfortable work environment is paramount for [Your Company Name], and we are dedicated to addressing these issues promptly.

Assessment Findings:

  • Identified Issue 1: [Detail the specific ergonomic issue, e.g., Improper chair height causing potential strain].

  • Identified Issue 2: [Detail the second issue, e.g., Inadequate desk space leading to cluttered workstations].

  • Further Observations: [Any additional observations or concerns noted during the assessment].

Required Improvements:

To address these concerns, the following improvements are necessary:

  • Adjustment/Replacement of Chairs: Chairs need to be adjusted for proper height or replaced with ergonomically designed models to reduce strain.

  • Workspace Reorganization: Desk spaces should be reorganized to allow for adequate working space and to reduce clutter.

These improvements should be implemented by [Specific Date]. The Workplace Safety Department will assist in coordinating these changes. Additional ergonomic training will also be provided on [Date of Training].

We request your full cooperation with the safety team to make the necessary adjustments. After implementation, please provide feedback on the changes and report any further ergonomic concerns.

Adhering to ergonomic best practices is vital for your health and productivity. [Your Company Name] is committed to providing a safe and comfortable working environment and appreciates your cooperation in these efforts.

If you have any questions or need further assistance regarding these improvements, please feel free to contact [Contact Person] at [Contact Details].

Thank you for your attention and prompt action on this matter.


[Your Name]

[Your Position]

Workplace Safety Department

[Your Company Name]

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