Girona Itinerary

Girona Itinerary

Dear Adventurer,

Our specially curated journey beckons all adventure-seekers, promising an invigorating blend of natural beauty and cultural exhilaration in the captivating region surrounding Girona. Experience the unspoiled rugged allure of the Costa Brava shoreline, unravel the mystique behind Dalí's art in Figueres, and bask in the medieval aura of Besalú. Each location offers unique experiences and unforgettable insights, ensuring that every day of your trip will be a thrill. Brace yourself for a grand adventure!

Day 1: Arrival and Girona City Exploration

Land in the beautiful city of Girona and acclimatize yourself with its charm. Visit the Girona Cathedral, walk along the River Onyar, and enjoy the local cuisine.



09:00 AM

Arrival at Girona

10:00 AM

Check-in at accommodation/hotel

11:00 AM

Explore Girona Cathedral

1:00 PM

Lunch at a local restaurant

2:30 PM

Walk along the River Onyar

4:30 PM

Explore Old Town Girona

6:30 PM

Dinner at a traditional Catalan restaurant

8:30 PM

Evening stroll through the city

10:00 PM

Return to accommodation/hotel

Day 2: Surreal Insights in Figueres

Embark on a fascinating journey to Figueres, home of the enigmatic Salvador Dalí. Unveil Dalí's life and artistry as you explore the Salvador Dalí Theatre Museum and his birthplace, Casa Natale di Salvador Dalí.



9:00 AM

Departure from Accommodation

10:30 AM

Arrival at Salvador Dalí Theatre Museum

10:45 AM

Guided Tour of Salvador Dalí Theatre Museum

12:30 PM

Lunch Break

2:00 PM

Visit Casa Natale di Salvador Dalí

4:00 PM

Free Time for Exploration

6:00 PM

Return to Accommodation

Day 3: Medieval Marvels in Besalú

Travel back in time to Besalú, a well-preserved medieval village. Wander through the town's charming streets, visit its iconic landmarks such as the Romanesque Bridge and the Church of Sant Vicenç, and appreciate its rich history.



9:00 AM

Breakfast at a local cafe

10:00 AM

Begin exploration of Besalú

10:30 AM

Visit the Romanesque Bridge

11:30 AM

Explore the Church of Sant Vicenç

1:00 PM

Lunch at a traditional Catalan restaurant

3:00 PM

Stroll through the medieval streets

4:30 PM

Visit the Jewish baths or the Miqvé

6:00 PM

Enjoy some free time or visit a local artisan shop

7:30 PM

Dinner at a medieval-themed restaurant

9:00 PM

Evening walk to appreciate the town's ambiance

10:00 PM

Return to accommodation or enjoy nightlife options

Day 4: Coastline Wander in Costa Brava

Bask in the stunning beauty of Costa Brava's rugged coastline. Explore hidden coves, and sandy beaches, and enjoy exhilarating water sports. Also, make sure to capture the exquisite sea sights during the golden hour.



9:00 AM

Departure from accommodation

10:00 AM

Arrival at Costa Brava coastline

10:30 AM

Begin coastal exploration

12:30 PM

Lunch break at a scenic spot

2:00 PM

Continue exploration

4:00 PM

Engage in water sports

6:00 PM

Capture golden hour moments

7:00 PM

Departure from Costa Brava coastline

8:00 PM

Return to accommodation

Day 5: Departure

Savor the final moments of your Girona adventure as you make your way home. Bring with you unforgettable memories and compelling stories.



8:00 AM

Breakfast at the hotel

9:00 AM

Check-out from the hotel

10:00 AM

Final packing and preparation

11:00 AM

Farewell walk around Girona's Old Town

1:00 PM

Lunch at a local cafe or restaurant

3:00 PM

Return to the hotel to pick up luggage

4:00 PM

Departure from the hotel


Reflect on and cherish memories of Girona

All day

Travel back home

Kind regards,


Adventure Specialist



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