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Sales Evaluation of Event Sponsorship ROI


I. Executive Summary

This document provides a comprehensive evaluation of the return on investment (ROI) for [Your Company Name]'s sponsorship of the [Event Name], which took place on August 15, 2050. The event targeted professionals in the technology sector, offering a prime opportunity for brand exposure and business networking. The evaluation period covers the event date plus 30 days post-event for sales cycle consideration.

Key Findings

  • Total Impressions Generated: 500,000

  • Total Leads Acquired: 750

  • Total Sales Attributed to Event: $150,000

  • Total Sponsorship Investment: $50,000

  • Calculated ROI: 200%

The ROI indicates that for every dollar [Your Company Name] invested in the event, two dollars were returned in sales revenue.

II. Event Overview

  • Event Name: [Event Name]

  • Event Date: August 15, 2050

  • Event Venue: Tech Convention Center, Silicon Valley

  • Attendance: 5,000 professionals

  • Sponsorship Level: Platinum

  • Total Sponsorship Investment: $50,000

A. Sponsorship Package Details

  1. Logo placement on all event materials

  2. Keynote speaking opportunity

  3. Exhibition booth in premium location

  4. Complimentary event passes x 20

  5. Digital advertising pre- and post-event

III. Goals and Objectives

A. Brand Visibility

  • Objective: Achieve 300,000 impressions among the target audience.

  • Outcome: Exceeded goal with 500,000 impressions, measured through event footfall, digital reach, and social media engagement.

B. Lead Generation

  • Objective: Gather 500 qualified leads.

  • Outcome: Surpassed objective with 750 qualified leads acquired through booth interactions, keynote session sign-ups, and digital engagements.

C. Customer Acquisition & Sales

  • Objective: Generate $100,000 in sales from event leads within 30 days post-event.

  • Outcome: Achieved $150,000 in sales, indicating strong lead-to-sale conversion and product-market fit.

IV. Financial Analysis

A. Budget Allocation

Expense Category

Allocated Budget

Actual Spend

Event Sponsorship Fee



Promotional Materials



Staffing & Travel



Follow-up Campaign






B. Sales Generated

Sales Cycle Stage

Number of Leads

Conversion Rate

Sales Value

Initial Contact




















V. Marketing Impact

A. Brand Exposure

The event, which was measured through various channels, resulted in a significant increase in the visibility of [Your Company Name] within the market.

B. Media Value

The equivalent value in terms of media coverage that has been received is currently being estimated to be worth around 200,000 dollars.

VI. Audience Engagement

A. Booth Traffic

Throughout the duration of the event, it was observed that the booth attracted approximately 2,000 visitors. Each of these visitors, on average, was engaged with the booth and its staff for an estimated time span of around 5 minutes.

B. Keynote Session

The keynote address was given by [Your Name], who holds the position of Chief Technology Officer at [Your Company Name]. There was a remarkable turnout for the talk with as many as 600 individuals in attendance. The level of satisfaction among attendees was extremely high, with almost all of them appreciating the session - 95% of these attendees rated the talk as 'excellent'.

VII. Sponsorship Activation

A. Pre-Event Activities

  • Email marketing campaigns reached 20,000 subscribers with a 25% open rate.

  • Social media campaigns generated 100,000 impressions.

B. During Event Activation

  • Live product demonstrations led to immediate sales or trial sign-ups for 5% of booth visitors.

  • Social media live-tweeting resulted in a trending hashtag for the event.

C. Post-Event Follow-Up

  • A dedicated email sequence to event leads resulted in a 30% click-through rate.

  • A ‘Thank You' campaign on [Your Company Social Media] garnered positive feedback and further customer engagement.

VIII. Conclusion and Recommendations

The sponsorship of the [Event Name] resulted in a positive ROI, with key performance metrics surpassing objectives. For future events, it is recommended to:

  1. Increase the budget for follow-up campaigns due to high conversion rates.

  2. Invest in additional staff training to improve lead engagement at the booth.

  3. Explore opportunities for longer speaking slots or additional workshops to increase thought leadership presence.

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