1 Day Singapore Itinerary

1 Day Singapore Itinerary

Embarking on a day-long exploration of Singapore promises an unforgettable journey through its iconic landmarks, diverse neighborhoods, and delectable cuisine. This carefully crafted itinerary ensures you make the most of your time, immersing yourself in the rich tapestry of this dynamic city-state.

Morning Activity




8:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Gardens by the Bay

Start your day in the futuristic Gardens by the Bay. Explore the iconic Supertree Grove and the refreshing Cloud Forest, offering a unique blend of nature and technology.

10:30 AM - 12:00 PM


Immerse yourself in the rich culture of Chinatown. Take a cultural stroll, visit historical temples, and savor a traditional breakfast at the renowned Chin Chin Eating House.

Late Morning Activity




12:30 PM - 2:00 PM

National Museum of Singapore

Dive into the history of Singapore at the National Museum. Engage with exhibits that showcase the nation's diverse heritage and pivotal moments.

2:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Lau Pa Sat

Head to Lau Pa Sat, a historic hawker center, for a delightful lunch. Indulge in local hawker delights, experiencing the diverse flavors of Singaporean cuisine.

Afternoon Activity




4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Singapore River Cruise

Embark on a relaxing river cruise to appreciate the city skyline. Enjoy the historical landmarks along the Singapore River, providing a unique perspective of the city.

6:00 PM - 7:30 PM

Little India

Explore the vibrant streets of Little India, known for its colorful markets, intricately designed temples, and authentic Indian cuisine. Immerse yourself in the cultural atmosphere.

8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Haji Lane

Take a break in Haji Lane, a trendy neighborhood known for its artistic murals and boutique shops. Enjoy a coffee in this unique and laid-back setting.

Evening Activity




9:30 PM - 10:30 PM

Marina Bay Sands

Head to Marina Bay Sands for breathtaking panoramic views of the city. Capture the city lights and the iconic skyline, creating lasting memories.

10:30 PM - 11:00 PM

Jumbo Seafood

Indulge in a delicious dinner at Jumbo Seafood, renowned for its famous chili crab and a variety of delectable seafood dishes.

11:00 PM onwards

Helix Bridge and City Lights

Conclude your day with a stroll along the Helix Bridge. Enjoy the mesmerizing city lights, creating a serene and picturesque end to your memorable day in Singapore.


  1. Respect Local Customs: Singaporeans value politeness and respect. Greet with a slight bow or nod, and remember to address people by their titles and last names.

  2. Respect Religious Practices: When visiting temples or mosques, dress modestly and maintain a quiet demeanor to respect worshipers.

  3. Follow Public Transport Etiquette: Queue up in an orderly manner, offer seats to the elderly or pregnant and avoid eating or drinking on public transport.

  4. Avoid Public Displays of Affection: Singaporeans are conservative; limit public displays of affection to maintain cultural sensitivity.

  5. Do Not Litter: Singapore has strict anti-littering laws. Dispose of trash in designated bins to avoid fines.

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