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Advertising Target Audience Questionnaire

Advertising Target Audience Questionnaire

Please answer the following questions to the best of your knowledge. If you are unsure about a particular question, feel free to leave it blank or provide your best estimate.

  1. What is the primary age range of your target audience?

  • Below 18

  • 18-25

  • 26-34

  • 35-50

  • Above 60

  1. What is the gender distribution of your target audience?

  • Male

  • Female

  • Not specified

  1. What are the key interests of your target audience?

The key interests of our target audience include sustainability, personal development, and technology.

  1. What is the average income level of your target audience?

  1. In which geographic locations is your target audience primarily based?

  1. What are the main languages spoken by your target audience?

  1. How does your target audience primarily consume media?

  1. What are the purchasing behaviors of your target audience?

  1. Are there any specific cultural or societal factors that influence your target audience?

Thank you for completing our questionnaire. Your responses will guide us in creating an advertising campaign that resonates with your target audience. For more information about our services, please visit [Your Company Website] or follow us on [Your Company Social Media].

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