Sales Review Collection Compliance Document

Sales Review Collection Compliance Document

This document outlines the guidelines and procedures for collecting and managing customer reviews for [Your Company Name]. It is essential to ensure that we adhere to best practices, legal requirements, and ethical standards when collecting and using customer feedback.

Review Collection Methods

  1. Email Surveys

    • [Your Company Name] sends email surveys to customers after a purchase or service experience.

    • Surveys are designed to be concise, unbiased, and relevant to the transaction.

    • Surveys may include open-ended questions to gather qualitative feedback.

  1. Website Review Forms

    • Customers can voluntarily leave reviews on the [Your Company Name] website.

    • The website review form includes guidelines to ensure reviews are constructive and respectful.

    • All submitted reviews are subject to moderation.

  1. Third-Party Review Platforms

    • [Your Company Name] may use third-party review platforms to collect reviews.

    • Ensure that guidelines and terms of use of these platforms are followed.

Customer Data Privacy

  1. When collecting customer feedback, ensure all customer data is handled with the utmost care and compliance with data protection regulations.

  2. Avoid collecting sensitive personal information that is not relevant to the review.

Review Moderation

  1. All reviews collected will be subject to moderation to prevent spam, offensive content, or unrelated feedback.

  2. Moderation will be done by the [Your Company Name] Review Moderation Team.

  3. Reviews should be approved or rejected based on clear and consistent guidelines.

Transparency and Authenticity

  1. Reviews should reflect genuine customer experiences.

  2. Do not influence or manipulate reviews by offering incentives, discounts, or rewards.

  3. Do not create fake reviews or post reviews on behalf of customers.

Response to Negative Reviews

  1. Negative reviews should be addressed promptly and professionally.

  2. Response guidelines should be followed to resolve customer issues and demonstrate responsiveness to feedback.

  3. Avoid engaging in confrontational or argumentative discussions in public responses.

Legal and Ethical Compliance

  1. [Your Company Name] will comply with all applicable laws and regulations regarding review collection and management.

  2. Ensure that no intellectual property rights are violated when using customer reviews for marketing or promotional purposes.

  3. Do not make false or misleading claims based on customer reviews.

Data Retention

  1. Customer reviews and associated data will be retained for [Your Company Name]'s records.

  2. Retention periods will comply with data protection regulations.

  3. Periodic data purging should be conducted for reviews that are no longer relevant.


  1. Periodic reports on review collection and management compliance will be generated and shared with the relevant teams.

  2. Any instances of non-compliance should be reported immediately.


  1. All employees involved in the collection and management of customer reviews will receive training on these guidelines.

  2. Training should emphasize the importance of ethical review practices and data protection.


  1. Violations of these review collection compliance guidelines may result in disciplinary action.

  2. [Your Company Name] is committed to maintaining high ethical standards in collecting and using customer feedback.

This Review Collection Compliance Document is a reference guide for all employees involved in customer feedback and post-sale management activities. It is crucial to uphold the reputation and integrity of [Your Company Name] by following these guidelines diligently and consistently.

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