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Advertising Campaign Minutes

Advertising Campaign Minutes








Discussion Points

1. Campaign Overview

Reviewed the objectives and key performance indicators (KPIs) for our upcoming advertising campaign, focusing on increasing brand awareness and driving sales.

2. Target Audience

Discussed our target audience demographics, interests, and behaviors. Emphasized the need to tailor our messaging to resonate with this group effectively.

3. Creative Concept

Presented the proposed creative concepts for the campaign. Feedback was collected from all team members, leading to a consensus on the primary creative direction.

4. Media Strategy

Outlined our media buying strategy, including preferred channels and platforms that best reach our target audience. Agreed to allocate budget towards a mix of digital and traditional media.

5. Timeline and Milestones

Established a detailed timeline for campaign execution, highlighting key milestones such as creative development, media booking, and campaign launch.



Creative Development

Media Booking

Campaign Launch

Mid-Campaign Review

Campaign End

Post-Campaign Analysis

6. Budget Review

Reviewed the allocated budget for the campaign. Discussed potential areas for cost optimization without compromising campaign effectiveness.



Total Campaign Budget

Creative Development

Media Buying

Miscellaneous (Contingencies)

7. Roles and Responsibilities

Assigned specific roles and responsibilities to team members, ensuring clear accountability for each aspect of the campaign.




Project Manager

Entire campaign

Creative Director

Creative concept and execution

Media Planner

Media strategy and bookings

Analytics Lead

Campaign monitoring and post-analysis

8. Risk Management

Identified potential risks to campaign success, including budget constraints and market competition. Agreed on contingency plans to mitigate these risks.

9. Next Steps

Agreed on immediate next steps for each team member, including finalizing the creative concept, securing media placements, and preparing campaign analytics.


Assigned To

Due Date

Finalize project timeline and distribute tasks

Present final creative concepts for approval

Secure preliminary media placements and present for review

Set up campaign tracking and reporting tools

10. Meeting Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned with an agreement to reconvene in two weeks to review progress on the action items discussed.

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