Free Health & Safety Legal Compliance Questionnaire Template

Health & Safety Legal Compliance Questionnaire

Please answer the following questions thoughtfully and honestly.

General Information



Employee ID:


Workplace Environment

Are work areas well lit and ventilated?

Yes, all areas are well lit and ventilated.

Is there a clear emergency exit plan displayed? 

Are all machines and equipment regularly inspected? 

Are safety guards in place and functional?  

Health & Safety Policies

Is there a written Health & Safety policy? 

Are employees trained in Health & Safety procedures?  

Incident Management

Is there a procedure for reporting accidents?  

Are there trained first-aid personnel on site?  

Are all health and safety incidents logged?  

Regulatory Compliance

Are you aware of the current Health & Safety regulations applicable to your industry?  

When was the last regulatory compliance audit conducted?  

Additional Comments: 

Submitted by:

[Your Name]

[Job Title]


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