San Juan Island Itinerary

San Juan Island Itinerary

Welcome outdoor enthusiasts! This itinerary is designed to guide you on an exciting discovery of our gorgeous island through hiking trails, kayaking routes, whale watching excursions, and more. Over the course of three days, you're invited to embrace the wild beauty of nature and refresh your adventurous spirit. Guaranteed to be a memorable experience, let's embark on this journey together!

Day 1: Hiking and Exploring Deep Trails




  • Enjoy an energizing breakfast to fuel up for the day's adventures.

  • Enjoy an energizing breakfast to fuel up for the day's adventures.


  • Picnic lunch amidst the scenic beauty of the hiking trail. Take a break to refuel and relax before continuing the adventure.

  • Continue hiking, exploring more of the natural wonders and landscapes that San Juan Island has to offer.


  • Gather at our base camp as the sun sets for a welcome bonfire. Relax and unwind after the challenging hike, enjoying snacks, refreshments, and the company of fellow adventurers. Share stories and experiences around the fire, creating lasting memories of the day's adventures.

Day 2: Thrilling Kayaking Routes




  • Enjoy a hearty breakfast to start the day off right.

  • Embark on our kayaking adventure, exploring the island's shimmering waters and captivating scenery.


  • Pause for a lunch picnic by the river, soaking in the tranquil surroundings and refueling for the afternoon ahead.

  • Continue the kayaking adventure, navigating through nature's rhythmic guidance and discovering hidden gems along the riverbanks.

  • Return to the starting point, concluding the kayaking excursion. Take some time to relax and unwind after the day's activities.


  • Dinner at a local restaurant, where you can recount the day's adventures and enjoy delicious island cuisine. Reflect on the unique perspective gained from exploring San Juan Island's waters by kayak.

Day 3: Memorable Whale Watching Excursion




  • Enjoy a leisurely breakfast to kick-start your day.

  • Embark on the remarkable whale-watching excursion, anticipating close encounters with these majestic creatures. Keep your camera ready to capture unforgettable moments.


  • Return from the whale-watching excursion, filled with awe and excitement from the sightings. Take some time to relax and freshen up before the farewell lunch.


  • Join us for a special farewell lunch to conclude our island adventure. Reflect on the memorable experiences shared throughout the trip and bid farewell to San Juan Island with fond memories.

Notes and Reminders

  • Please remember to carry your necessary medications, adhere to the safety guidelines provided, respect our environment, and, most importantly, enjoy the trip! Your comfort and safety are our top priorities.

Looking forward to embarking on this adventure with you. Happy Exploring!

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