Thailand Island Itinerary

Thailand Island Itinerary

Welcome to a meticulously planned wellness expedition through the tranquil islands of Thailand. A journey designed for those seeking peace and rejuvenation amidst breathtaking natural beauty. This itinerary focuses on fostering mindfulness, boosting physical well-being, and soothing the soul through an array of wellness activities nestled in the paradise of tropical Thailand, over a calming span of 3 days.

Day 1: Arrival and Active Rejuvenation

After your arrival, we'll start with a tour of the lush tropical gardens reminding you of the connection with nature. It then proceeds with a revitalizing yoga class in the open-air studio amidst the serene islands, setting the mood for the rest of the journey. Following the yoga session, enjoy a local nourishing lunch and spend the rest of the day at leisure exploring the local markets.



10:00 AM

Arrival at the resort

10:30 AM

Guided tour of the lush tropical gardens

12:00 PM

Revitalizing yoga class in the open-air studio

01:30 PM

Enjoy a local nourishing lunch


Leisure time to explore the local markets or relax at the resort

Day 2: Self-discovery and Illumination

This day is dedicated to nurturing the soul, beginning with a sunrise meditation on the beach aimed to illuminate the spirit. A therapeutic spa treatment with elements from ancient Thai healing traditions will follow, addressing physical tension and inviting deep relaxation. The day concludes with a beachside dinner under the starlit sky.



06:00 AM

Sunrise meditation on the beach

08:00 AM


10:00 AM

Therapeutic spa treatment inspired by Thai healing traditions

12:30 PM


02:00 PM

Free time for personal reflection and relaxation

04:00 PM

Guided journaling session

06:00 PM

Beachside stroll

07:30 PM


09:00 PM onwards

Starlit sky contemplation and relaxation

Day 3: Integration and Departure

The final day of your journey brings all wellness elements together with a private wellness consultation. Following a tailored massage combining Thai and Western techniques, rejoice in a hearty, healthy lunch. Spend the afternoon at leisure, soaking up the tranquility of the island. As the day ends, head back carrying a rejuvenated body, serene mind, and memories of a calm paradise.



09:00 AM

Private wellness consultation

10:30 AM

Tailored massage combining Thai and Western techniques

12:30 PM

Hearty, healthy lunch

02:00 PM

Afternoon at leisure, soaking up the tranquility of the island

05:00 PM

Departure from the island, carrying a rejuvenated body and serene mind

We look forward to serving you and making your wellness retreat an enriching experience. For any further details or queries, do not hesitate to get in touch.

Best regards,

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