Luxor Itinerary

Luxor Itinerary

Discover ancient Egypt's mystique and splendor on a four-day Luxor experience. Uncover Karnak Temple Complex and Luxor Temple's grandeur. Explore the enigma of the Valley of the Kings and Queens. Delve into Egypt's rich cultural heritage.

Day 1: Arrival and Exploration of Luxor Temple

Arriving in Luxor, jet lag pales in comparison to the awe-inspiring sight of the Luxor Temple at sunset. Experience its majestic revival, glowing brilliantly against the captivating Egyptian night sky.



4:00 PM

Arrival in Luxor

5:00 PM

Check into accommodation, freshen up

6:00 PM

Depart for Luxor Temple

6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

Explore Luxor Temple, marvel at its beauty and architecture

8:00 PM onwards

Enjoy the illuminated temple against the Egyptian night sky

Day 2: Delving into the Majestic Karnak Temple Complex

Day two includes an extensive visit to the Karnak Temple Complex, one of the world's largest religious structures. Spend the majority of your day exploring the various temples, sanctuaries, and notable edifices within the complex.



8:00 AM

Breakfast at Hotel

9:00 AM

Departure from Karnak Temple Complex

9:30 AM

Arrival at Karnak Temple Complex

9:45 AM

Guided Tour Begins

10:00 AM

Exploring the Great Hypostyle Hall

11:00 AM

Visiting the Precinct of Amun-Re

12:30 PM

Lunch Break

1:30 PM

Continuing Exploration

3:00 PM

Navigating the Avenue of Sphinxes

4:30 PM

Visiting the Sacred Lake

5:30 PM

Free Exploration Time

6:30 PM


8:00 PM

Return to Hotel

Day 3: Unveiling the Secrets of the Valley of The Kings

Embark on an extraordinary journey through the Valley of The Kings, where the tombs of pharaohs and influential nobles of the New Kingdom lie. Explore the legendary tomb of Tutankhamun for a captivating glimpse into Egypt's ancient past.



8:00 AM

Breakfast at the hotel

9:00 AM

Departure for the Valley of The Kings

10:00 AM

Arrive at the Valley of The Kings

10:30 AM

Guided tour of the Valley of The Kings

12:30 PM

Lunch break

1:30 PM

Explore additional tombs (optional)

3:00 PM

Visit the tomb of Tutankhamun

4:30 PM

Departure from the Valley of The Kings

6:00 PM

Return to the hotel

7:30 PM


9:00 PM

Relaxation and free time

Day 4: Exploring the Enigmatic Valley of The Queens

Explore the mystique of the Valley of the Queens, savoring the best for last. Conclude your journey with an electrifying tour through the tombs of the queens and princesses of the New Kingdom on the final day, ensuring an unforgettable experience.



8:00 AM

Breakfast at the hotel

9:00 AM

Departure for the Valley of the Queens

10:00 AM

Guided tour of the Valley of the Queens

12:00 PM

Picnic lunch amidst the ancient ruins

1:00 PM

Continued exploration of the valley's tombs

3:00 PM

Visit to the Tomb of Nefertari

4:30 PM

Leisure time for photography and reflection

6:00 PM

Return to the hotel

7:30 PM

Dinner at a local restaurant, sharing stories of the day's discoveries

9:00 PM

Optional evening relaxation at the hotel or exploration of local nightlife

For any queries or additional guidance


Join us on a captivating journey through history in Luxor. Experience more than just sightseeing; immerse yourself in the unparalleled historical significance of this ancient city.

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