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Affidavit By Parent/Guardian

Affidavit by Parent/Guardian


I, [YOUR NAME], residing at [YOUR ADDRESS], being the lawful parent/guardian of [CHILD'S NAME], born on [CHILD'S BIRTH DATE], do hereby solemnly affirm and declare the following:

Statement of Facts

  1. I hereby grant my consent for [CHILD'S NAME] to travel internationally/domestically.

  2. The purpose of this travel is [TRAVEL PURPOSE].

  3. [CHILD'S NAME] will be traveling with the following individuals:


  4. The dates of travel are from [START DATE] to [END DATE].

  5. I confirm that I have sole custody/guardianship of [CHILD'S NAME] and possess the legal authority to grant consent for this travel.

  6. I understand and acknowledge the responsibilities involved in allowing [CHILD'S NAME] to travel, including any potential risks associated with the journey.

  7. I hereby release and indemnify any and all individuals, organizations, and authorities involved in [CHILD'S NAME]'s travel arrangements from any liability arising from this trip.

Sworn Oath

I affirm that the information provided in this affidavit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

I understand the implications of this affidavit and make this declaration of my own free will.




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