Turin Itinerary

Turin Itinerary

Dear Cultural Enthusiast,

Discover Turin's captivating history and culture with an adventure that uncovers the secrets of the Egyptian Museum, delves into the realm of cinema at the National Museum of Cinema and allows you to marvel at the historical splendor of Palazzo Madama. This itinerary promises an engaging exploration of Turin's cultural richness.

Day 1: Arrival and Stroll in the City

Upon arrival, settle into your hotel and spend the rest of the day exploring the city at your leisure. Indulge in the local cuisine to prepare for the adventures awaiting us.



12:00 PM

Check-in to the hotel

1:00 PM

Lunch at a local restaurant, try traditional cuisine

2:30 PM

Stroll through the city, exploring landmarks

5:30 PM

Stop for coffee or tea at a cozy cafe

7:00 PM

Dinner at a recommended restaurant, savoring local flavors

9:00 PM

Return to hotel, rest, and prepare for tomorrow's adventure

Day 2: Explore the Egyptian Museum

Immerse yourself in the wonder that is the Egyptian Museum. Tour de force of art, culture, and history that provides impressive insight into the life in ancient Egypt.



9:00 AM

Meet at the designated meeting point.

9:15 AM

Enter the Egyptian Museum.

9:15 AM - 12:00 PM

Begin a guided tour of the museum.

12:00 PM

Take a break for lunch at the museum cafe.

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Continue exploring the museum exhibits.

4:00 PM

Conclude museum visit.

4:30 PM

Discussion and debriefing at a nearby cafe.

Day 3: The National Museum of Cinema

An engaging journey awaits at the National Museum of Cinema. Celebrate the evolution of cinema and lose yourself in the fantastic exhibits of world cinema history.



9:00 AM

Departure from Accommodation

10:00 AM

Arrival at the National Museum of Cinema

10:15 AM

Explore the exhibition halls

12:00 PM

Lunch break at the museum café

1:00 PM

Continue exploring exhibits

3:00 PM

Participate in a guided tour (optional)

4:30 PM

Visit the museum gift shop

5:30 PM

Departure from the museum

6:30 PM

Return to accommodation

Day 4: The Grandeur of Palazzo Madama

Discover Palazzo Madama, a mesmerizing blend of medieval and Baroque architecture in Turin, housing a vast array of art from the Middle Ages to the Baroque period.



9:00 AM

Depart from the hotel

9:30 AM

Arrive at Palazzo Madama

9:45 AM

Guided tour begins

12:00 PM

Explore the Palazzo's interior and art collections

1:30 PM

Lunch break

3:00 PM

Continue exploring the Palazzo or nearby attractions

5:00 PM

Optional: Relax in the Palazzo's gardens

6:00 PM

Depart from Palazzo Madama

6:30 PM

Return to hotel

Day 5: Farewell Turin

Enjoy a leisurely morning before wrapping up our cultural adventure. Spend your time revisiting beloved spots or uncovering new gems around the city as you wish.



9:00 AM

Breakfast at a local café, savoring Italian pastries and coffee

10:00 AM

Explore Turin's enchanting streets, immortalizing moments with your camera.

12:00 PM

Visit the Royal Palace of Turin to marvel at its captivating architecture and rich history.

1:30 PM

Lunch at a cozy trattoria, savoring genuine Piedmontese dishes.

3:00 PM

Discover the captivating realm of ancient Egypt at the Museo Egizio.

5:00 PM

Stroll by the tranquil Po River.

7:00 PM

Dine at a rooftop restaurant, savoring city views as you say goodbye to Turin.

9:00 PM

Return to your accommodation, pack your bags, and fondly recall the trip's delightful moments.

Brace yourself for an unforgettable journey filled with inspiring moments, in-depth experiences, and a tale of a city told through its landmarks.

Looking forward to accompanying you on this adventure.

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