Advertising Media Traffic Instructions Notice

Advertising Media Traffic Instructions Notice

DATE: [Month, Day, Year]

NOTICE TO: [Your Partner Company Name / Second Party]

REFERENCE: Media Traffic Coordination for [Product / Event Name]

This document serves as a comprehensive guide and directive for the implementation and management of advertising media traffic related to [Product / Event Name]. It outlines the required procedures, timelines, and specifications for the submission of advertising materials by [Your Partner Company Name / Second Party].

I. Material Submission Guideline

Material Type



File Size Limit

Submission Deadline

Video Ads



500 MB

[Month, Day, Year]

A. Format Specifications

Video Ads:

Must be in 1080p resolution, MP4 format. Maximum duration of 30 seconds.

Image Ads:

High-quality JPEG images, 300 DPI resolution.

Audio Ads:

Clear audio in MP3 format, not exceeding a duration of 15 seconds.

B. Submission Process

  1. All materials must be uploaded to [Your Company Website]/media-upload.

  2. Upon submission, a confirmation email will be sent to [Your Partner Company Name / Second Party Email].

II. Ad Placement Schedule


Time Slot



Start Date

End Date


8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

30 Sec


[Month, Day, Year]

[Month, Day, Year]

A. Online Platforms

  • Banners on [Your Company Website].

  • Social media posts on [Your Company Social Media] thrice a week.

III. Cost and Payment Details

Media Type

Cost per Slot

Total Slots

Total Cost





  • Invoices will be sent to [Your Partner Company Address].

  • Payment due within 30 days of invoice receipt.

IV. Terms and Conditions

  • All submitted materials must comply with the advertising standards and guidelines as set by [Your Company Name].

  • Late submissions may result in omitted ad placements without refund.

  • [Your Company Name] reserves the right to reject any material that does not meet quality or content standards.

[Your Partner Company Name / Second Party] is required to acknowledge the receipt and understanding of this notice by signing and returning a copy to [Your Company Email] by [Month, Day, Year].

This notice is issued by [Your Company Name] in the interest of ensuring smooth and efficient collaboration for the successful advertising of [Product / Event Name].

Document Prepared by:

[Your Company Name]

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