Free Family Law Affidavit Template
Family Law Affidavit
State of [State]
County of [County]
I, [Your Name], being duly sworn, declare and state as follows:
Statement of Facts:
My name is [Your Name] and I reside at [Your Address]. I am the parent of [Child's Name], who was born on [Child's Birthdate], and I am a party to the above-referenced case.
I am submitting this affidavit to provide evidence regarding my ability to care for [Child's Name].
I believe that joint custody, with equal time spent with both parents, is in the best interest of [Child's Name] because it ensures stability and a consistent relationship with both parents, promoting emotional well-being.
I am employed full-time in a stable job that allows me to comfortably provide for the child's financial needs, including housing, food, education, and healthcare expenses.
Our living situation provides a comfortable and nurturing environment for the child, with a spacious bedroom tailored to their preferences and needs. The neighborhood is safe, featuring well-maintained streets, parks, and amenities, while educational facilities and opportunities for social interaction with other children are easily accessible, fostering a well-rounded upbringing.
We are equipped to address any health issues or special needs the child may have, with a comprehensive understanding of their condition and access to necessary resources and support services.
We prioritize the child's emotional and psychological well-being by creating a supportive and nurturing environment, offering unconditional love, active listening, and encouragement to express their feelings.
The child expressed a preference for a quiet and green neighborhood with nearby parks and playgrounds during a casual conversation about their ideal living environment. They mentioned enjoying nature and peaceful surroundings, suggesting a desire for a calm and nurturing atmosphere.
I believe that propose a joint custody arrangement, with equal time spent with both parents, as it promotes stability and maintains strong family connections for the child. This arrangement ensures continuity of education and a sense of belonging within both parental households, fostering a well-rounded upbringing and emotional security for the child.
I affirm that the information provided in this affidavit is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand the seriousness of submitting a sworn statement to the court and am prepared to provide further evidence or testify to these facts if required.
[Your Name]
Subscribed and sworn to before me this [Day] of [Month], [Year].
[Notary Public Signature]