3 Day Siem Reap Itinerary

3 Day Siem Reap Itinerary

Prepared by: [YOUR NAME]

Date: [DATE]

Destination: Angkor Wat, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Welcome to Siem Reap, Cambodia's vibrant cultural hub and home to the awe-inspiring Angkor Archaeological Park. Embark on a 3-day journey filled with exploration, history, and culinary delights. Let this itinerary guide you through the wonders of Angkor and immerse you in the rich tapestry of Khmer culture.

Day 1: Temple Exploration


  • Discover the sunrise at Angkor Wat, marveling at its grandeur.


  • Explore the intricate carvings of Bayon Temple, adorned with enigmatic stone faces.


  • Visit Ta Prohm, where ancient ruins intertwine with giant tree roots, creating a mystical atmosphere.


  • Wander through the vibrant stalls of the Angkor Night Market, sampling local delicacies and shopping for souvenirs.

Day 2: Hidden Gems & Cultural Immersion


  • Venture off the beaten path to Banteay Srei, known for its intricate pink sandstone carvings.


  • Experience rural life with a visit to a local village, interacting with locals, and learning about traditional crafts.


  • Indulge in a Khmer cooking class, discovering the secrets of authentic Cambodian cuisine.


  • Attend a traditional Apsara dance performance, mesmerized by the graceful movements and ancient storytelling.

Day 3: City Exploration & Relaxation


  • Explore the charming streets of Siem Reap, visit the Old Market, and discover hidden gems.


  • Take a boat ride on Tonle Sap Lake, observing floating villages and experiencing life on the water.


  • Relax and rejuvenate with a traditional Khmer massage at a local spa.


  • Enjoy a farewell dinner at a rooftop restaurant, overlooking the cityscape and reminiscing about your unforgettable Siem Reap adventure.


  • Bid farewell to Siem Reap, enriched by its history, culture, and warmth. Carry the memories of your journey through Angkor and beyond, knowing that Cambodia's wonders await your return.

Travel Essential:

Portable Power Bank ensures you stay connected and powered up throughout your Siem Reap adventure with a portable power bank. With long days of exploration and photo-taking, having a reliable power source for your devices can be a lifesaver. Opt for a lightweight, high-capacity power bank to keep your smartphone, camera, and other gadgets charged on the go, ensuring you never miss capturing those memorable moments.

Simple Guidelines:

What To Do:

  1. Respect local customs and traditions, including dress codes when visiting temples.

  2. Engage with locals respectfully, showing interest in their culture and way of life.

  3. Stay hydrated and carry sunscreen while exploring under the sun.

  4. Support local businesses and artisans by purchasing authentic souvenirs and dining at local restaurants.

  5. Follow designated paths and instructions when exploring archaeological sites to preserve their integrity.

  6. Learn basic Khmer phrases to communicate with locals and show appreciation for their hospitality.

  7. Take part in responsible tourism practices, such as reducing plastic waste and supporting eco-friendly initiatives.

What Not To Do:

  1. Disrespect sacred sites or cultural artifacts by climbing on them or touching them without permission.

  2. Bargain aggressively or haggle excessively in markets or with street vendors.

  3. Engage in disrespectful behavior, such as littering or being loud and disruptive in public spaces.

  4. Ignore safety precautions, especially when visiting remote areas or participating in adventurous activities.

  5. Disregard local customs, such as removing shoes before entering a home and religious sites.

  6. Support unethical tourism practices, such as elephant rides or visiting orphanages that exploit children.

  7. Take photographs of individuals without their consent, especially in sensitive or private situations.

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