Sacred Valley Itinerary

Sacred Valley Itinerary

Hi adventurous traveler! I'm [YOUR NAME], your personal guide set to custom-design your adventure in Peru's Andean heartland. This itinerary takes you into the astonishing beauty of the Sacred Valley. Explore Inca civilization remnants daily and soak up Cusco's vibrant culture every evening. Expect an unforgettable 3-day Andean exploration!

Day 1: Arrival in Cusco and Exploring the City

Land in Cusco, get acclimatized, explore its colonial charm, vibrant culture, Inca architecture, visit Qoricancha, explore local markets, and stay at a local inn overnight.



10:00 AM

Arrival at Cusco Airport

10:30 AM

Transfer to accommodation/hotel.

11:30 AM

Check-in and settle into accommodation.

12:30 PM

Lunch at a local restaurant

02:00 PM

Visit Qoricancha, the golden temple of the Sun God

04:00 PM

Explore the streets of the historical center.

06:00 PM

Dinner at a traditional Peruvian restaurant

08:00 PM

Return to accommodation, rest, and relax.

10:00 PM

Overnight stay at the local hostelry

Day 2: Unearthing the Inca Trail

Today, we'll explore the Inca Trail, visiting notable ruins like Winay Wayna and Inti Punku. Our journey will conclude with a delicious dinner at a renowned local restaurant in Cusco. An exciting day awaits us.



06:00 AM

Breakfast at accommodation

07:00 AM

Departure for the Inca Trail hike

08:00 AM

Start hiking along the Inca Trail

12:00 PM

Lunch break along the trail.

03:00 PM

Arrive at Winay Wayna ruins.

05:00 PM

Continue hiking to Inti Punku (Sun Gate)

06:30 PM

Witness sunset views from Inti Punku

07:30 PM

Begin descent back to Cusco.

09:00 PM

Arrival in Cusco

09:30 PM

Dinner at a well-regarded local restaurant

11:00 PM

Return to accommodation, rest, and relax.

Overnight stay at the local hostelry

Day 3: Awe-Inspiring Machu Picchu

On the last day, marvel at Machu Picchu's magnificence, the pinnacle of Inca civilization. Journey by train via the verdant Urubamba River to Aguas Calientes, then climb to the top. Discover the stunning ruins and visualize the erstwhile vibrant royal refuge. Ensure to visit the famous Sun Gate and spend time in the tranquil Temple of the Moon. As your trip ends, ponder the marvel before heading back to Cusco for the next part of your journey.



05:00 AM

Early breakfast at accommodation

06:00 AM

Departure for the train station

06:30 AM

Board the train to Aguas Calientes

09:30 AM

Arrival in Aguas Calientes

10:00 AM

Begin ascent to Machu Picchu

11:00 AM

Guided tour of Machu Picchu

01:00 PM

Lunch at a restaurant near Machu Picchu

02:00 PM

Explore Machu Picchu at your own pace.

04:00 PM

Visit the Sun Gate and Temple of the Moon

05:30 PM

Begin descent back to Aguas Calientes

06:30 PM

Board the train back to Cusco.

09:30 PM

Arrival in Cusco

10:00 PM

Dinner at a local restaurant in Cusco

11:30 PM

Return to accommodation, rest, and relax.

Overnight stay at the local hostelry

To start planning your enchanting journey or for more information, please do not hesitate to reach out. I am genuinely thrilled to have the opportunity to curate this unforgettable adventure for you in the magical Sacred Valley. Safe travels!

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