Nagaland Itinerary

Nagaland Itinerary

Greetings! My name is [YOUR NAME], and I represent [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. I have carefully curated a customized itinerary for you. This tailor-made itinerary is designed with the intention to provide you with an immersive experience of exploring the effervescent cultural heritage that beautifully defines Nagaland.

Day 1: Arrival and Exploring Kohima

Our journey begins in Nagaland's capital, Kohima. After your arrival, we will start the day by exploring the local markets, war cemetery and its historic landmarks. Overnight at Kohima.



10:00 AM

Arrival at Kohima

10:30 AM

Check-in at accommodation

11:00 AM

Explore local markets.

01:00 PM

Lunch at a local eatery

02:00 PM

Visit Kohima War Cemetery

03:30 PM

Explore historic landmarks (e.g., Kohima Village, Naga Heritage Village)

06:00 PM

Return to accommodation for rest and relaxation.

08:00 PM

Dinner at a local restaurant


Overnight stay at Kohima

Day 2: Visit to Khonoma Village

On the second day, we shall visit the historic village of Khonoma, known for its sustainable practices and the famous terraced fields. You’ll get to interact with local artisans and watch them craft beautiful baskets and shawls - perfect souvenirs to remember your trip.



08:00 AM

Breakfast at accommodation

09:00 AM

Departure for Khonoma Village

10:00 AM

Arrival at Khonoma Village

10:30 AM

Guided tour of Khonoma Village

12:00 PM

Visit local artisan workshops.

01:30 PM

Lunch featuring local cuisine.

02:30 PM

Explore terraced fields.

04:00 PM

Interaction with local artisans

05:30 PM

Departure from Khonoma Village

06:30 PM

Return to Kohima

08:00 PM

Dinner at a recommended restaurant in Kohima


Overnight stay at Kohima

Day 3: Hornbill Festival

The third day of our itinerary will focus on the colourful festivities of the Hornbill Festival. You will experience traditional ceremonies, dances, and sample the finest culinary delicacies of Nagaland. The festival is a true representation of the richness of Nagaland's tribal heritage.



07:00 AM

Breakfast at accommodation

08:00 AM

Departure for Hornbill Festival grounds

09:00 AM

Arrival at Hornbill Festival venue

09:30 AM

Explore festival grounds and stalls.

11:00 AM

Attend traditional ceremonies and performances.

01:00 PM

Lunch featuring Nagaland's finest cuisine.

02:30 PM

Continue exploring festival activities.

04:30 PM

Attend cultural dances and music performances.

06:00 PM

Evening snacks and refreshments

07:30 PM

Enjoy the festival's evening program.

09:00 PM

Departure from Hornbill Festival venue


Departure from Kohima

Our enriching journey comes to an end as we prepare to depart from the lovely city of Kohima. As we get ready to leave, we find ourselves carrying with us countless memories that have been gathered throughout the journey, as well as a newfound appreciation for the vibrant cultural tapestry that Nagaland has to offer. This trip has certainly enriched our minds and nourished our souls, leaving us with a better understanding of the local culture and traditions. Hence, it’s not just a goodbye to Kohima, but also a heartfelt thank you for captivating us with its charm and ethnic diversity.

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