Advertising Event Live-Tweeting Plan

Advertising Event Live-Tweeting Plan

This document outlines a plan for implementing live-tweeting strategies during our advertising events. Live-tweeting events represent a unique opportunity to engage with our audience in real-time, offering insights, updates, and interactive content that can significantly elevate the brand's profile and audience engagement levels.

Prepared By:


A. Objective

The primary objective is to effectively leverage live tweeting during advertising events to increase brand visibility, engage with the audience in real time, and generate buzz around our services and campaigns.

B. Strategy

Pre-Event Planning: Develop a comprehensive plan that includes identifying key messages, creating a hashtag, and scheduling tweets.

During Event: Engage actively with the audience, provide live updates, and respond to queries and comments.

Post-Event Analysis: Evaluate the impact of live-tweeting through various metrics and feedback.

C. Implementation Plan



Responsible Department


Develop hashtag and content plan


D. Budget Estimation

The estimated budget for the live-tweeting event is set at [$5,000], strategically allocated across various critical components to ensure optimal impact. The budget is divided into three main areas: Content creation (30%), Advertising (40%), and Analytics and Tools (30%). This balanced allocation is designed to maximize the effectiveness of the campaign while ensuring a comprehensive approach to event coverage and analysis.

This plan aims to use live-tweeting to amplify our brand's presence during advertising events. Through strategic planning, execution, and analysis, we aim to engage our audience, increase our social media footprint, and gain valuable insights into consumer behavior.

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