Ghent Itinerary

Ghent Itinerary

Welcome, This itinerary is carefully crafted by our expert tour operators to make your visit to Ghent a truly memorable one. We have come up with a list of attractions and activities lined up for you which covers breathtaking historic landmarks, delightful local cuisine, and an immersive experience into the charming city's culture. This itinerary document is designed for personal use and we assure a well-planned journey through the allure of Ghent.

Day 1 – Arrival and Exploring Gravensteen Castle

This day will involve your arrival and stepping foot in Ghent. The Highlight for the day is a visit to the Gravensteen Castle, a testament to Ghent’s affluent history. A guided tour will help you appreciate the architecture and historical significance of the castle.



10:00 AM

Arrival in Ghent

11:00 AM

Check-in to accommodation

12:00 PM

Lunch at a local café

2:00 PM

Guided tour of Gravensteen Castle

4:30 PM

Free time to explore nearby areas or relax

7:00 PM

Dinner at a traditional Belgian restaurant

Day 2 - Stroll in the Old Town & Local Cuisine Savouring

Day two will be spent exploring the traditional cobblestone streets of the Old Town. The Old Town is home to various shops, cafes, and buildings that show the glory of Ghent. Here, you will also get to enjoy the flavorful local cuisine that Ghent has to offer in one of the fine restaurants in the Old Town.



9:00 AM

Breakfast at the hotel

10:00 AM

Explore the cobblestone streets of the Old Town

12:00 PM

Lunch at a renowned local restaurant

2:00 PM

Continue exploring the Old Town: visit shops, historic sites

5:00 PM

Relax with a drink at a café, people-watching

7:00 PM

Dinner featuring Ghent's local specialties

Day 3 - Uncover the charm of Ghent’s Museums and Art

The third day will be focused on visiting various galleries and museums like the Museum of Fine Arts, SMAK, Museum Dr Guislain etc. This will offer a glimpse into the city’s impressive collection of art and artifacts.



9:00 AM

Breakfast at leisure

10:00 AM

Visit the Museum of Fine Arts

12:30 PM

Lunch break

2:00 PM

Explore SMAK (Municipal Museum of Contemporary Art)

4:00 PM

Visit Museum Dr. Guislain or other preferred museums

6:30 PM

Dinner at a cozy restaurant

Day 4 - Leisure Activities and Departure

The last day is intended for relaxing and leisure activities. You can enjoy a boat ride, explore some more local markets, or just relax in a cafe. Finally, prepare for your departure back home, enriched with Ghent’s cultural majesty and charm.



9:00 AM

Breakfast and check-out

10:00 AM

Enjoy a boat ride along the River Lys or River Scheldt

12:00 PM

Explore local markets for souvenirs or gifts

2:00 PM

Relax at a café, savoring the last moments in Ghent

4:00 PM

Prepare for departure

6:00 PM

Departure back home, enriched with Ghent’s cultural majesty and charm

For any questions, queries, or assistance during your trip, feel free to reach out. We hope you enjoy your journey through Ghent as much as we enjoyed planning for you.





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