Malawi Itinerary

Malawi Itinerary

Welcome to a vibrant journey through Malawi, a land of rich culture, stunning landscapes, and diverse wildlife. Over the next three days, immerse yourself in the heart of this enchanting country, starting with the bustling capital city of Lilongwe. From wildlife sanctuaries to serene lakeshores and thrilling safari experiences, each day promises new adventures and unforgettable moments. Get ready to explore Lilongwe, embark on a Lake Malawi adventure, and delve into the wilderness of Liwonde National Park. Let's begin this extraordinary odyssey through Malawi.

Day 1: Exploring Lilongwe




8:00 AM


Enjoy a traditional Malawian breakfast at a local cafe.

9:00 AM

Lilongwe Wildlife Centre

Explore the wildlife sanctuary and learn about Malawi's conservation efforts.

12:00 PM


Savor a delicious meal at a nearby restaurant.

1:30 PM

Parliament Building & Old Town Tour

Take a guided tour of the Parliament Building and stroll through the Old Town to admire its architecture.

4:00 PM

Shopping at Old Town Market

Browse through local crafts, fabrics, and souvenirs.

6:00 PM


Try authentic Malawian cuisine at a recommended restaurant.

8:00 PM

Cultural Show

Attend a traditional dance performance showcasing Malawian culture.

Day 2: Lake Malawi Adventure




7:00 AM


Enjoy a hearty breakfast at your accommodation.

8:00 AM

Transfer to Lake Malawi

Travel to the lakeshore for a day of aquatic adventures.

9:30 AM


Explore the crystal-clear waters of Lake Malawi by kayak.

12:00 PM

Picnic Lunch on the Beach

Relish a picnic lunch on the sandy shores of the lake.

2:00 PM


Discover the vibrant underwater world while snorkeling.

4:00 PM

Relaxation & Beach Activities

Enjoy sunbathing, beach volleyball, or a leisurely swim.

6:00 PM

Sunset Cruise

Embark on a sunset cruise for breathtaking views of Lake Malawi.

8:00 PM


Dine at a lakeside restaurant, indulging in fresh fish and local delicacies.

Day 3: Safari Experience




6:00 AM


Have a quick breakfast before departing for the safari.

7:00 AM

Safari Game Drive

Embark on a thrilling safari game drive in Liwonde National Park.

12:00 PM

Bush Lunch

Enjoy a bush lunch amidst the wilderness of the park.

2:00 PM

Boat Safari on the Shire River

Explore the Shire River on a boat safari, spotting hippos, crocodiles, and diverse birdlife.

4:00 PM

Nature Walk

Take a guided nature walk to observe the smaller inhabitants of the park.

6:00 PM

Return to Lilongwe

Head back to Lilongwe, reflecting on the day's safari adventures.

8:00 PM

Farewell Dinner

Conclude your Malawi journey with a farewell dinner at a renowned restaurant.

As your Malawi adventure draws to a close, we hope you've cherished every moment spent exploring its wonders. From the captivating cultural displays to the tranquil shores of Lake Malawi and the untamed beauty of Liwonde National Park, Malawi has surely left an indelible mark on your soul. As you bid farewell to this remarkable country, may the memories you've created here linger on, inspiring future journeys and lifelong connections to the heart of Africa. Until we meet again, kwaheri Malawi, farewell, Malawi.

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