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Source Evaluation

Source Evaluation

Date: [Date]


This evaluation is designed to assess the quality and reliability of materials, products, or services provided by suppliers under a contractor. It aims to ensure adherence to specified requirements and standards.

Overview of the Evaluation

The evaluation seeks to validate supplier performance linked to project success and client satisfaction. The criteria are defined to reflect the supplier's ability to meet regulations, quality standards, and timeline expectations.

Evaluation Criteria and Descriptions

  • Quality of Materials/Products/Services: Assessment of the quality of the provided materials, products, or services, including their durability, functionality, and reliability.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Evaluation of the supplier's adherence to all relevant laws, rules, and regulations applicable to the materials, products, or services.

  • Timeliness of Delivery: Examination of the supplier's delivery punctuality, including adherence to agreed-upon delivery dates and turnaround times.

  • Supplier Responsiveness: Assessment of the supplier's ability and consistency in promptly responding to inquiries, requests, or issues.


Check the check boxes next to the ratings that you agree with for each evaluation criterion. Please be guided by the rating guide.

Rating Guide

1: Poor - Does not meet expectations

2: Average - Barely meets expectations

3: Good - Meets expectations

4: Very Good - Exceeds expectations

5: Excellent - Far exceeds expectations

Evaluation Table







Quality of Materials/Products/Services

Regulatory Compliance

Timeliness of Delivery

Supplier Responsiveness

Utilize the space below for providing suggestions and recommendations to support the employee's growth and improvement. Your insights are valuable for fostering development and enhancing overall performance.

Additional Comments and Notes



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