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Intern Performance Evaluation

Intern Performance Evaluation


Date: [DATE]


Welcome to the Intern Performance Evaluation! This evaluation aims to provide a formal assessment of the intern's performance and progress during their internship period. The evaluation process is designed to gauge the intern's skills, knowledge, work ethic, and overall contribution to the team or organization. It serves as a tool for both the intern and the supervisor to reflect on achievements, areas for improvement, and professional growth opportunities.


Internships are invaluable opportunities for students or recent graduates to gain practical experience, apply classroom learning to real-world situations, and explore career interests. Effective performance evaluations during internships help interns identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for development. It also allows supervisors to provide constructive feedback, mentorship, and guidance to support the intern's professional growth and success.

Evaluation Criteria:

Please rate the intern's performance based on the following criteria:

  1. Quality of Work:

    • Demonstrates attention to detail and accuracy in completing tasks.

    • Consistently produces high-quality work that meets or exceeds expectations.

  2. Communication Skills:

    • Effectively communicates ideas, questions, and concerns verbally and in writing.

    • Actively listens to instructions and seeks clarification when necessary.

  3. Initiative and Proactiveness:

    • Takes initiative to seek out new tasks and responsibilities.

    • Proactively identifies and addresses challenges without constant supervision.

  4. Teamwork and Collaboration:

    • Works effectively as part of a team, respecting diverse perspectives and contributing to a positive work environment.

    • Collaborates with colleagues to achieve common goals and objectives.

  5. Professionalism and Reliability:

    • Demonstrates professionalism in demeanor, attire, and interactions with colleagues and clients.

    • Consistently meets deadlines and fulfills commitments reliably.

  6. Adaptability and Flexibility:

    • Adapts to changing priorities, deadlines, and work environments with ease.

    • Demonstrates flexibility in accepting new tasks and adjusting to feedback.

  7. Learning and Development:

    • Shows a willingness to learn and grow professionally throughout the internship.

    • Seeks out feedback and actively applies it to improve performance.

Rating Scale:

  1. Poor - Does not meet expectations

  2. Below Average - Occasionally meets expectations

  3. Average - Usually meets expectations

  4. Good - Exceeds expectations

  5. Excellent - Consistently exceeds expectations

Evaluation Table:


Rating (1-5)


Quality of Work

Communication Skills

Initiative and Proactiveness

Teamwork and Collaboration

Professionalism and Reliability

Adaptability and Flexibility

Learning and Development


Please provide any additional comments or feedback regarding the intern's performance, strengths, areas for improvement, or future development opportunities. Your input is valuable in helping the intern grow and succeed in their professional journey.

Additional Comments and Notes

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