Free Advertising Interactive Ad Feedback Form Template



Free Advertising Interactive Ad Feedback Form Template

Advertising Interactive Ad
Feedback Form 

Please take a few moments to share your thoughts on our interactive advertisement. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us improve and tailor our advertising efforts to better meet your needs and interests.

Viewer Information

Please select your age range:

  • 18–24

  • 25--34

  • 35–44

  • 45–54

  • 55–64

  • 65+

Your current location:                               

Your current occupation or industry:                               


How did you come across our ad?

  • Social media

  • Website

  • Referral

  • Other:                               


Not at all / Negative


Somewhat / Neutral


Very / Positive

What was your initial impression of the ad?

How engaged were you with the ad?

How relevant did you find the content of the ad to your interests or needs? 

How would you rate the design and aesthetics of the ad?

How did you find the level of interactivity within the ad?

Was the message of the ad clear to you?

Has your perception of our brand changed after viewing the ad?

Has the ad influenced your intention to purchase or engage with our product/service?

How satisfied were you with the ad overall?

Would you recommend our product/service based on the ad?

Additional Comments

Please provide any additional comments or suggestions about our ads. Your detailed feedback helps us craft better, more engaging advertising experiences.

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