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Medical Evaluation

Medical Evaluation

Patient's Information:




Date: [DATE]

Introduction: This evaluation form is used by healthcare professionals for assessing an individual's physical health, diagnosing medical conditions, monitoring progress, or determining eligibility for certain treatments or services.

Overview: The information derived from this evaluation enables our healthcare professionals to provide better care and treatment options. This technique ensures efficient and precise collection and interpretation of patient data.

Evaluation Criteria

Please carefully assess and document the following criteria:



1. Medical History

  • Review of past medical conditions, medications, surgeries, allergies, and family medical history.

2. Physical Examination

  • A thorough examination of the body systems, including inspection, palpation, percussion, and auscultation.

3. Vital Signs

  • Measurement of blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, temperature, and oxygen saturation.

4. Diagnostic Tests

  • Ordering and interpretation of laboratory tests, imaging studies, and other diagnostic procedures.

5. Assessment of Symptoms

  • Evaluation of current symptoms reported by the patient, including their severity, duration, and impact on daily life.

6. Review of Systems

  • Systematic assessment of various body systems to identify any signs or symptoms of disease or dysfunction.

7. Functional Status

  • Evaluation of the individual's ability to perform activities of daily living, mobility, and functional independence.

8. Laboratory Results

  • Review and interpretation of blood tests, urine tests, and other laboratory investigations.

9. Imaging Studies

  • Interpretation of X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, ultrasound, or other imaging modalities to visualize internal structures.

10. Nutritional Assessment

  • Evaluation of dietary habits, nutritional status, weight history, and risk factors for malnutrition or nutritional deficiencies.

11. Medication Review

  • Review of current medications, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and supplements.

12. Immunization Status

  • Assessment of immunization history and compliance with recommended vaccinations.

13. Psychological Evaluation

  • Screening for mental health conditions, cognitive function, mood disorders, and psychosocial stressors.

14. Social History

  • Exploration of social support networks, living arrangements, employment status, education, and lifestyle factors.

15. Family Medical History

  • Documentation of significant medical conditions, hereditary diseases, and health-related factors affecting family members.

Additional Comments and Notes

Comments and Notes

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