Free Mentor Evaluation Template

Mentor Evaluation


Mentor Name


January 20, 2055

Purpose: to provide mentors with constructive feedback on their mentoring practices, enabling them to enhance their effectiveness in supporting mentees.

Overview: In this evaluation, mentors' performance will be evaluated based on the following criteria: Responsiveness, Communication, Relationship Building, Knowledge Transfer, and Mentee Sensitivity.

Instructions: Please rate the mentor's performance on each criterion using a scale of 1 to 5. Additionally, feel free to provide comments or feedback in the designated section to elaborate on your ratings and provide suggestions for improvement.

Rating Scale Explanation

1 = Poor

2 = Below Average

3 = Average

4 = Above Average

5 = Exceptional





Assess the mentor's ability to provide timely feedback and address issues or concerns raised by the mentee.


Evaluate the mentor's clarity in communication, ability to articulate thoughts and ideas, and respond to inquiries appropriately.

Relationship Building

Evaluates the mentor's ability to build a positive and engaging relationship with the mentee.

Knowledge Transfer

Evaluate the mentor's effectiveness in sharing knowledge, expertise, and experience with the mentee.

Mentee Sensitivity

Evaluates the mentor's ability to understand and empathize with the mentee's concerns, challenges, and circumstances.

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