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Group Therapy Evaluation



Date: [Insert Date]

This evaluation has been carefully crafted to assess the overall effectiveness and impact of our group therapy sessions. Utilizing a comprehensive rubric, this process not only aims to measure the success of the therapy across various key dimensions but also seeks to identify and highlight precise areas that require further improvement. The goal is to ensure that the therapy continues to evolve in response to the needs and feedback of participants, thereby enhancing the therapeutic experience and outcomes for all involved.

Overview: This evaluation serves to measure the effectiveness of group therapy sessions, focusing on key areas like participant satisfaction and therapeutic benefits. Utilizing a comprehensive rubric, it aims to identify successes and areas for improvement, ensuring the therapy evolves to meet participant needs effectively.

Evaluation Criteria

The evaluation of our group therapy sessions will hinge on these crucial aspects:

  • Participant Satisfaction: Evaluates the level of participants' contentment with the sessions.

  • Therapeutic Benefits: Gauges the effectiveness of the therapy in addressing participants' issues.

  • Improvement Areas: Highlights segments of the group therapy that require enhancements.

  • Group Cohesion: Assesses the strength of bonds formed among participants during the sessions.

  • Facilitator Effectiveness: Measures the facilitator's proficiency in leading and managing the group therapy.

  • Goal Achievement: Determines the extent to which the therapy met its predefined therapeutic objectives.

Note: Scoring is from 1 to 5

  • 1 means 'Strongly Disagree'

  • 2 means 'Disagree'

  • 3 means 'Neutral'

  • 4 means 'Agree'

  • 5 means 'Strongly Agree'

Group Therapy Evaluation Form



Rating (1-5)

Participant Satisfaction

The extent to which participants found the therapy useful and satisfying.

Therapeutic Benefits

Reflects how significantly the therapy sessions assisted in addressing the participants' issues.

Areas for Improvement

Specific areas within the therapy process that need further improvements for a more effective session.

Group Cohesion

Measures how effectively participants bonded throughout the group therapy.

Facilitator Effectiveness

An assessment of the facilitator's skills in managing and leading the group therapy.

Goal Attainment

Assesses the success of the therapy in achieving its set therapeutic objectives.

Additional Comments/Notes


Evaluation Templates @