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Vehicle Evaluation



Date: [Insert Date]


This Vehicle Evaluation Form is meticulously designed for sellers aiming to determine the condition and value of their vehicle before listing it for sale. The evaluation serves as a comprehensive assessment, ensuring that all aspects of the vehicle's condition, performance, and overall marketability are accurately represented.


In the competitive market of selling vehicles, transparency and trust between the seller and potential buyers are paramount. An in-depth Vehicle Evaluation not only instills confidence in prospective buyers about the condition of the vehicle but also facilitates a smoother transaction process. This form is structured to cover essential criteria that influence a vehicle's value and desirability.

Evaluation Instructions:

For each criterion listed in the Vehicle Evaluation Form, use the following scale to rate the condition or performance of the specified vehicle aspect:

  • Excellent: The vehicle exceeds standard expectations with no repairs needed. Appearance and performance are superior.

  • Good: The vehicle meets all standard expectations with minor imperfections that do not require immediate attention.

  • Fair: The vehicle meets the basic operational standards but has noticeable imperfections or issues that may require attention soon.

  • Poor: The vehicle does not meet standard expectations due to significant imperfections or operational issues that require immediate attention.

Vehicle Evaluation Criteria



Evaluation Scale

Exterior Condition

Assess the condition of the paint, body, and wheels.

Interior Condition

Evaluate the wear and tear of the seats, dashboard, and overall cleanliness.

Engine and Transmission

Check the engine's performance, transmission shifts, and any unusual noises.

Electronics and Features

Test all electronic features including navigation, entertainment system, etc.

Tires and Brakes

Inspect tire tread depth, condition, and brake performance.

Suspension and Alignment

Evaluate the condition of the suspension system and wheel alignment.

Fluids and Leaks

Check levels of all vital fluids and inspect for any leaks.

Service History

Review the completeness and regularity of the vehicle’s service records.

Accident and Repair History

Investigate any past accidents and the quality of repairs conducted.

Test Drive

Conduct a test drive to assess overall vehicle performance and handling.

Comment/Feedback Section

This section is dedicated to any additional observations, potential issues not covered in the criteria above, or any other comments the evaluator finds pertinent to the vehicle's condition and its market value.

Additional Comments/Notes

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