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Applicant Evaluation





Welcome to our Applicant Evaluation Form, designed specifically for the recruitment and hiring process within our organization. This form is a comprehensive tool intended for use by our recruitment team to systematically assess and compare candidates applying for positions across various departments.


This Applicant Evaluation Form is a streamlined tool for the recruitment and hiring process, designed to assess candidates across ten key areas, including professional experience, educational qualifications, skills, cultural fit, and more.

Rating Scale:

  • 5 - Outstanding: Exceeds expectations with exceptional skills and qualifications that suggest a highly significant and positive contribution to the team and organization.

  • 4 - Strong: Shows a strong alignment with job requirements, demonstrating abilities that will likely have a positive impact on the team and organization.

  • 3 - Adequate: Meets the basic requirements for the role, indicating the potential to maintain organizational standards with further development.

  • 2 - Limited: Displays some relevant skills but lacks consistency and requires additional training and development to meet job standards.

  • 1 - Insufficient: Demonstrates a lack of necessary skills and qualifications, indicating a need for substantial development to meet job expectations.

Evaluation Table



Rating Scale

Professional Experience and Achievements

Evaluate the relevance, duration, and impact of prior work experience, focusing on achievements and progression relevant to the role.

Educational Background

Assess the level and relevance of educational qualifications, including degrees, certifications, and continuous learning efforts.

Skill Proficiency (Technical and Soft Skills)

Rate both job-specific technical skills and soft skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving.

Cultural Fit and Adaptability

Evaluate alignment with the organization's culture and values, and the ability to adapt to team dynamics and change.

Communication Skills

Assess effectiveness in verbal and written communication, clarity, conciseness, persuasiveness, and listening skills.

Problem-Solving and Analytical Abilities

Evaluate the ability to identify problems, analyze information, and devise effective solutions.

Leadership and Teamwork

Assess leadership potential and the ability to work collaboratively within a team, including the ability to motivate and guide others.

Comment/Feedback Section

Please provide any additional comments or feedback regarding the candidate’s overall evaluation. This section is crucial for noting observations that are not covered by the evaluation criteria but may have a significant impact on the candidate's suitability for the position.


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