Payment Affidavit of Support

Payment Affidavit of Support

I, [YOUR NAME], residing at [YOUR ADDRESS], hereby affirm under penalty of perjury that the following statements are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge:


  1. I am making this Payment Affidavit of Support to confirm that I am financially supporting [BORROWER'S NAME], who is repaying a loan amounting to $[AMOUNT] to you.

  2. I have willingly taken the responsibility to ensure that all loan repayments owed to you by [BORROWER'S NAME] are made promptly and in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement.

  3. I understand that [BORROWER'S NAME] has borrowed funds from you and is obligated to repay the loan amount according to the agreed-upon terms and conditions.

  4. I further affirm that I have the financial means and capability to fulfill this commitment to support [BORROWER'S NAME] in making the required loan repayments.

  5. I acknowledge that this Payment Affidavit of Support is a legally binding document and can be used as evidence to confirm my commitment to ensuring timely loan repayments on behalf of [BORROWER'S NAME].

  6. I am aware that any false statements made in this affidavit may result in legal consequences.


Signed this [DATE].


Witnessed by:


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